Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Movies Represent Storytelling at Its Best Essay

Symbolism, sounds, narrating capacity, incredible altering, genuine acting and inventive minds are for the most part actually consolidated to make a decent film. Motion pictures speak to narrating at its best. The author gives a content to the chief who deciphers it and makes a center group of experts that incorporates the cinematographer, the planner (and his group), the sound designer, the on-screen characters, and the supervisor. They make ï ¬ lms to engage, to communicate feeling, recount stories, convey messages, to dream, to envision, and it is all since they have an enthusiasm that drives them. Filmmaking requires some serious energy, tolerance, devotion, duty, and a comprehension of the procedure in its totality. On the off chance that ï ¬ lmmakers are arranged toward story and execution, they should figure out how to envision the account. The story must unfurl in the mind’s eye, as it is imagined and made. The ï ¬ lmmaker needs to see the film while the screenplay is being composed and during pre-creation before the cameras roll. (LoBrutto 2002) Matthew Vaughn made a pretend film which intimates that freaks are ordinary individuals that exist among us; and there were times during the film that the idea really entered my thoughts. Attributable to the way that, making a film is a most intricate aesthetic venture and that, film making is the main imaginative undertaking that incorporates the entirety of expressions of the human experience: composing, photography, painting, acting, music, move, and engineering; the producer must interpretation of the test of recounting to a story by means of picture and sound each time a film is made. (LoBrutto 2002) Storytelling A film is a story; it is as basic as that. Motion pictures are actually a class of craftsmanship that utilization different sorts of specialized blends of symbolism and sounds to recount stories. Be that as it may, how the story is told, frequently cause fictions to appear to be genuine, non-fictions become individual, dream seem reasonable and musicals, similar to Burlesque, http://youtu.be/9snF_LsF-OI venture into routine. There is continually something that watchers can identify with in films. In any case, â€Å"Movies are not, and are not intended to be, outlines for how to live our lives. They are, notwithstanding, impressions of lives.† (Goodykoontz, & Jacobs 2011) The story, X-Men: First Class, is about previous closeted freaks coming out and grasping their distinction. Be that as it may, the film started with a setting during the time of the holocaust when Magneto was a little fellow in Poland. The boy’s name was Erik Lehnsherr (later named Magneto). The story features parts of the oppression of Jews by the German Gustapo. The nearby shots of the numbers that were marked on the arms of the Jewish individuals in the inhumane imprisonment adjust the story to a genuine verifiable occasion. Those shots combined with the boy’s commanding partition from his mom help to validate and set the director’s endeavor at the real world. His indignation and anger at the partition set off his freak intensity of attraction that made him tear the metal fence that remained among himself and his mom. The Gustapo commander’s name was Schmidt (later Sebastian Shaw). It was he who shot and executed Erik’s mother without blinking, before the kid; coming about in Erik’s freak intensity of attraction being activated and amplified during his resulting furious upheaval. Sebastian Shaw killed the boy’s mother since he needed to see a show of the boyâ€⠄¢s freak powers. Strategic, Shaw needed to prepare and tackle Erik’s freak capacity to utilize it as a weapon. Then again, Charles Xavier was a splendid scholastic who is of nobility stock. As we saw it when he was a kid, he had the intensity of clairvoyance. He likewise had the capacity to guess and control different people’s thoughts. In the start of the film, Charles was very conspicuous and unashamed in regards to guessing people’s thoughts without their consent similar to the situation when he was talking the lady at the bar, before Raven intruded. He turned into a CIA specialist on people with freak capacities afterwards he and Erik (who turned into his dear companion) enrolled, prepared and shaped X-Men: First Class an office inside the CIA. The two men, Charles and Erik shaped an alliance of freaks to battle against the plans of the fiendishness Sebastian Shaw. There were likewise minor storylines about relational connections and the mutants’ individual frailties a s it identified with individual acknowledgment. In general the storyline of a Jew’s vengeance against his previous Gustapo torturers was acceptable; retribution for this situation was sweet. Acting Entertainers are the most noticeable components in a film. The entertainers †¦. In X-Men: First Class There was special case and character entertainers however there were no star on-screen characters (with the exception of Hugh Jackman’s one clasp appearance when he utilized the f word). The acting was unremarkable on the grounds that now and again it didn't seem to be being regular. It had all the earmarks of being acting, more the sort for a phase creation than for the film. In any case, in the event that I should think about the two primary characters; Michael Fassbender worked admirably of depicting Erik’s outrage, misfortune and hurt that he endured experiencing childhood in a death camp. McAvoy in Charles’ character then again, didn't have a lot of negative understanding to work with and his character seemed to be Erik’s exhausting clairvoyant side-kick. Kevin Bacon did equity to Sebastian Shaw’s character. Except for Raven, different on- screen characters were not so much given a lot of screen time. There were numerous entertainers however very little strong acting, in spite of the fact that there was a ton of activity. Cinematography The chief of cinematography’s work is to take the director’s perspective on how the film should look and help the executive to get the shots that he needs with thoughts on camera edges, sorts of cameras, and lighting proposals that will best serve the executive in getting the kind of feel he asks for from every scene in the film. (Goodykoontz, & Jacobs 2011). The cinematographer is explicitly answerable for its look, in quite certain, shot-by-shot terms. The individual in question is answerable for the pictures that the camera sees, and by augmentation the pictures that the crowd will find in the completed film. . Cinematography implies â€Å"writing with movement.† (Goodykoontz, & Jacobs 2011). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAbhclxSNTw The cinematographer exhibited information based brightness and able utilization of all kind of shots in this clasp. He coupled it with the brilliant characteristic daylight made the finale to this clasp very moving. The words â€Å"Never Again† were conveyed in a profound concentrate close up shot of Magneto. The cinematographer utilized long, medium and close-up shots just as profound core interest. His assortment of shots and selection of lightings made this film exceptionally engaging. Altering â€Å"The movie proofreader makes the movie, actually building it, sorting out various takes of individual scenes and afterward setting the chose scenes in the request that recounts to the story the chief needs to tell. The editor’s job is critical to the creation of an effective film. Poor altering does the crowd a definitive injury with regards to film.† (Goodykoontz, 2009). The scenes were quick paced, activity pressed, story headed to where there was nothing observably off-base or strange with the altering. It was done in a disjointed style and that additional to the general energy. The quick developments made the longing to watch this film over and over. The altering was perfect. There were no noticeable or perceptible hitches. The story streamed and it was very arresting and engaging in light of the fact that it reflected genuine human battles for acknowledgment. Sound â€Å"Music has been a urgent piece of the film going experience since before the coming of recorded sound in films. So significant was its utilization that after some time chiefs started embeddings melodic prompts, or signals, for explicit music to be played at explicit times.† (Goodykoontz, & Jacobs 2011) I especially preferred the scene that united Xavier and Erik; it contained an assortment of grand sounds. When Erik was in the ocean and there was likewise a pack of vessels and ships around him; there were hints of pontoon horns; there were characteristic hints of water sprinkling against the sides of the boats and the tearing hints of the speed vessels separating the water. During the pulverization of Shaw’s transport, there were trustworthy audio effects of the unreeling of the enormous chain on the stay; the slamming sounds and the hazardous sounds. The complimentary sound of foundation symphony music playing that stacked rehashed moderately slow and even beat (da-dap da-dap da-dap) that proposes activity and afterward there was the discourse. In general, the music and sounds were consistently entwined into every scene to additionally connect with the audience’s consideration. Added to that, in the midst of the various sounds, the discourse was clear and perceptible. The general sound for this film was acceptable. Style and Directing A movie executive is the imaginative power behind a film. He is the person who is liable for the final result that the review open pays to see at the cinema. His assertion is last on the visuals, the sounds and the acting. As indicated by Vincent LoBrutto in his book, The Filmmaker’s Guide to Production Design; â€Å"A great chief must have a ï ¬ rm thought of how to decipher the content cinematically.† (LoBrutto 2002) LoBrutto went on further to state that, executives read the content for a general impression and effect. It doesn't make a difference who the scriptwriter(s) is/are, it is the director’s understanding, shots and takes that watchers see at the cinemas. The buck stops at the movie chief. (LoBrutto 2002) Director Matthew Vaughn has his own quick paced activity stuffed style of coordinating. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0891216/He attempted to make comic book characters appear to be genuine by combining regular memorable occasions like the holocaust (E rik was in the concentra

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Administrative Theories of Management Essay Example for Free

Managerial Theories of Management Essay Henri Fayol a French industrialist has composed a book title Administration Industrialle et Generalle in 1916 , as per his book speculations about administration he thought could be applied to the administration of any association with authoritative obligations. Fayol distinguished five capacity which is as yet utilized today to all administration exercises , they were arranging , sorting out , ordering , planning and controlling . Fayol gives 14 rule of the board : 1.Division of work According to Fayol , specialization expands yield by making representatives increasingly productive. A large portion of the representative might have the option to manage every thing work that given to them if work is separated by their aptitude and specialized ability . See more: My Writing Process Essay 2.Authority Fayol characterized authority as the option to provide orders and the ability to correct dutifulness. That implies , directors must have the option to provide request to the representatives . Alongside it , the duty will goes on. 3.Discipline Discipline is a basic for the smooth running of business which is without it a venture or association can't succeed. A workers must obey and regard the guidelines that are state by the association . 4.Unity of Command A worker ought to get orders from one unrivaled just . Fayol respected having double order is prompting vulnerability and wavering with respect to subordinates and will make strife between supervisors. 5.Unity of course One head and one arrangement for a gathering having a similar goal. that mean the association ought to have a solitary strategy to control supervisors and laborers . 6.Subordination of individual enthusiasm to the general enthusiasm There ought to be no irreconcilable situation between singular aspiration and the prosperity of the association all in all. This standard requires a firm however reasonable hand from bosses who should set a genuine model. 7.Remuneration Workers must be paid a reasonable pay for their administrations . Fayol searched for some essential standards in the technique for installment such is it will guarantee reasonable compensation , support perception by remunerating very much guided exertion and not prompt over-installment going past sensible cutoff points. 8.Centralization Fayol looked at that as a component of centralization should consistently be available which is each subordinate are engaged with dynamic. 9.Scalar Chain It is otherwise called line of power . The solidarity of order can prompt too much chains of power which upset correspondence. Hierarchic associations consistently demanded that offices spoke with one another just through their heads. 10.Order For Fayol, individuals and materials ought to be in the correct spot at the opportune time . This surmised the goals of the two most troublesome administrative exercises: great association and great choice. He considered the to be issue as the adjusting of an associations prerequisites with its assets. 11.Equity Managers ought to be thoughtful and reasonable for their subordinate and rewarded them similarly so as to acquire duty from them . 12.Stability of residency of faculty An administration ought to give systematic staff arranging and guarantee that substitutions are accessible to fill opening since workers need a time of solidness in a vocation to convey of their best. 13.Initiative Fayol alerts administrators against the individual vanity which keeps their representatives from permitting to thoroughly consider an issue and execute an answer compensating experience which expands inspiration and elevated levels of exertion. This implied , representatives are permitted to start and complete their arrangements for the association. 14.Esprit de corps. Isolating adversary powers to debilitate them is astute, however separating ones own group is a grave sin against the business. It is stating about advancing camaraderie will construct concordance and solidarity inside the association.

Free Essays on Pink

â€Å"Family Portrait† One melody can carry a wide range of sentiments to each individual who hears it. It can give want to those experiencing troublesome occasions in their lives, or the beat can make you need to get up and move. A melody can likewise bring back recollections of what you were doing the first occasion when you heard it, and that memory remains with you each time you hear it once more. Pink is an artist/lyricist who has experienced more in her youth than a great many people have in their whole lives. She not just uses her music as an outflow of her past adolescence, however she likewise can give some extraordinary gathering music. One of my main tunes is called â€Å"Family Portrait.† This tune manages her parents’ choice to get a separation, and how it affected her life. She was just twelve when her dad left, and she wound up turning into an agitator. She tuned in to rap, hip-jump, and rock while growing up, which gives her music its very own character. Each time I hear this melody it brings back recollections of my folks when they separated. It is practically similar to Pink and I were in a similar house and encountered very similar things. The one section that I can intently identify with in her melody is the point at which she says, â€Å" I hear glasses separating as I sit in my bed. I revealed to God you didn’t mean those frightful things you said. You quarrel over cash, about me and my sibling. What's more, this I return home to, this is my shelter.† This circumstance is the thing that I experienced each time my folks would battle. It astonishes me how comparative homes are for offspring of separated from guardians. Pink was given an extraordinary blessing empowering her to contact people groups feelings with her voice and tunes. She likewise has an incredible assortment letting her sing a melody as significant as this, at that point changing to one that permits you to forget about it and move. I think this is the reason she has ascended to such an extraordinary craftsman. She never harps on her past. She just gets it out into the open and proceeds onward. â€Å" It ain’t simple growin’ up in WW3, never knowin’ wh... Free Essays on Pink Free Essays on Pink â€Å"Family Portrait† One tune can carry a wide range of sentiments to each individual who hears it. It can give would like to those experiencing troublesome occasions in their lives, or the beat can make you need to get up and move. A melody can likewise bring back recollections of what you were doing the first occasion when you heard it, and that memory remains with you each time you hear it once more. Pink is an artist/lyricist who has experienced more in her youth than the vast majority have in their whole lives. She not just uses her music as an outflow of her past adolescence, yet she additionally can give some extraordinary gathering music. One of my main tunes is called â€Å"Family Portrait.† This tune manages her parents’ choice to get a separation, and how it affected her life. She was just twelve when her dad left, and she wound up turning into a dissident. She tuned in to rap, hip-bounce, and rock while growing up, which gives her music its very own character. Each time I hear this melody it brings back recollections of my folks when they separated. It is practically similar to Pink and I were in a similar house and encountered very similar things. The one section that I can intently identify with in her melody is the point at which she says, â€Å" I hear glasses separating as I sit in my bed. I disclosed to God you didn’t mean those dreadful things you said. You quarrel over cash, about me and my sibling. What's more, this I get back home to, this is my shelter.† This circumstance is the thing that I experienced each time my folks would battle. It astounds me how comparative homes are for offspring of separated from guardians. Pink was given an incredible blessing empowering her to contact people groups feelings with her voice and tunes. She additionally has an incredible assortment letting her sing a tune as important as this, at that point changing to one that permits you to forget about it and move. I think this is the reason she has ascended to such an incredible craftsman. She never harps on her past. She essentially gets it out into the open and proceeds onward. â€Å" It ain’t simple growin’ up in WW3, never knowin’ wh...

Friday, August 21, 2020

Organizational analysis with reference to Social work

Authoritative investigation regarding Social work Presentation Organizations utilize a huge scope of social specialists. These social laborers are occupied with hordes of work inside any association. This work without a doubt shifts from working in a huge association accused of creation of merchandise to associations that are prevalently occupied with planning and creation of administrations planned for fulfilling common and even individual needs.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on Organizational examination concerning Social work explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Human assistance associations utilize a huge number of social specialists. As a method of model, therapists and analysts ensnare a portion of the social specialists who work considerably more freely that social laborers do for the most part. Given the complexities of social work administration inside an association, numerous speculations have been proposed to clarify the nature and the pertinence of social specialists inside an asso ciation. Some of such speculations are woman's rights and human administrations, as examined by Jones and May (1992, p. 56), among others. This paper works from a human assistance association point of view to look into women's liberation and human help hypotheses. Foundation Following the development of the second development for freedom of ladies, researchers have tested huge numbers of the customary comprehension of the women’s encounters. This has incited the rise of another grant body conveying ideas of woman's rights. Regarding social work speculations, woman's rights is conveyed to allude to â€Å"a method of investigation including certain perspectives and of acting, which are intended to kill the abuse of ladies in the general public to accomplish women’s liberation† (Hannan, Carroll Polos 2003, p.310). Women's liberation hypothesis gives firmly established grounds to examining the different encounters of ladies with social human administrations associat ions particularly dependent on the reason that social, monetary and political structures shape the encounters of ladies. As indicated by Tong (1989), in social work setting, â€Å" women's activist idea expect that women’s interests and points of view are substantial all by themselves, are not inferiors or auxiliary to those of men’s, nor would it be advisable for them to be characterized uniquely comparable to or as a deduction from men’s experiences† (30).Advertising Looking for paper on sociologies? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Indeed, this worry shapes the reactions of customary mental, philosophical, and chronicled grant. The nonattendance of such suppositions is the structure squares of the feministic approaches utilized in human administrations associations. Human administrations hypothetical point of view has at its heart the discernment that social work is tied in with helping individ uals regardless of the distinctions either in sexual orientation terms or in some other method of arrangement of organizations’ working populace. As Reskin and Hartmann (1986) note, human assistance hypothesis sees â€Å"social fill in just like about social change at a person just as at community’s level† (p.102). In this unique situation, human administrations hypothesis for the most part centers around the goals of individuals challenges inside an association in the midst of the complexities that exist inside human administrations associations. Truth be told, this hypothesis acknowledges this nature of complexities. Consequently, it considers the to be to such complexities as being laid on the foundation of teaching the soul of innovativeness and cultivating information improvement among social laborers (Jones May 1992, p.47). In a perfect world, human administrations hypothesis tries to give reactions to different interrogatives, for example, the pertinence of looking to realize why individuals endure, people’s duties in goals of social work issues indicating how systems of giving information about human difficulties might be benefited. Similitudes Both human administrations and woman's rights speculations are totally best in class with the primary target of giving methods of clarifying people’s practices, the manner in which they see and even consider specific circumstances inside the social workplace. Basically at that point, the two viewpoints give the focal point through which social specialists procure direction. From an alternate measurement, the two speculations are comparable since their practicability is laid on an assortment of very comparable structures, which really impact the two points of view. A case of these systems is biological system point of view. As per Hannan, Carroll and Polos, biological system viewpoint â€Å"focuses on the transaction between the individual and their environment† (2003, p. 312).Advertising We will compose a custom article test on Organizational examination regarding Social work explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Paramount to note is that, regardless of whether from a feministic hypothesis point of view or human administrations point of view, it is generally pleasing that individuals inside human administrations association have the right to comprehend the working of different people. In any case, in an undertaking to comprehend individuals better, it is significant that one comprehends the ecological setting inside which the individual lives (Jones May 1992, p.52). Mohr (1998) â€Å"argues that â€Å"Individuals exist inside families, families exist inside networks and neighborhoods, and neighborhoods exist in a political, monetary, and social environment† (p.355). In both hypothetical points of view, it is questionable that an individual’s domain contributes generally into molding individual and gathering conviction s, decisions and practices. Evidently, social work, as a control, pays a tremendous concentration in endeavoring to comprehend people’s issues. These issues ostensibly stem directly from nature in which an individual comes, something that both human administrations and woman's rights speculations indebt to address. Both hypothetical viewpoints send the ideas of human qualities in their premises. In the expressions of Berkun, â€Å"strengths point of view is based on the presumption that each person, family, gathering and network has qualities. Concentrating on these, qualities lead to development and defeating difficulties† (1984, p. 22). Straightforwardly harmonious with this line of thought, both hypothetical points of view see customers similar to the most conceivable determinates of the fitting helping techniques for work in the goals of issues besetting them. In both hypothetical points of view, working from the settings of customers are basic undertakings in addi ng to thinking of a helping system that is both compelling and productive in goals of difficulties nearby. Thought of social points of view is one more fundamental likeness between human administrations and women's liberation approaches in tending to issues in human administrations organizations.Advertising Searching for article on sociologies? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Ostensibly, trying to come into a downplaying of people’s challenges inside an association, it is vital for social laborers, regardless of the hypothetical viewpoint they buy in to, to guarantee that they are socially skilled. This preferably calls for â€Å"understanding and endorsement of social qualifications, considering the convictions, qualities, exercises, and customs of particular populace bunches inside an organisation† (Hannan, Carroll and Polos 2003, p.314). As a method of model, social laborers working in the wellbeing administrations part, in the case of sending women's liberation or human administrations hypothetical point of view or not, have at the rear of their brains that the way where individuals talk about issues identifying with their bodies impacts the manner in which an individual responds. This goes about as a deciding variable of whether the individual being referred to acknowledges or dismisses the wellbeing administrations being advertised. In this unique circumstance, both hypothetical viewpoints perceive the need to incorporate both satisfactory social work standards with social standards of customers trying to make social workers’ work yield considerable natural products. Contrasts Although human administrations and women's liberation ways to deal with social work inside an association have various similitudes, a few contrasts are likewise important. While human administrations hypothesis will in general treat all individuals working with associations independent of the distinctions as far as sex as well as sexuality, women's liberation hypothesis concentrates more on ladies, instead of men asserting that ladies are diverse in a horde of ways. Subsequently, it sounds significant to contend that â€Å"Feminist hypothesis looks at ladies in the social world tending to issues of worry to ladies concentrating on these from the point of view, encounters, and perspective of women† (Berkun 1984, 20). At the int ernal center of the women's liberation hypothesis is holding the position that ladies have been distraught for quite a while particularly when seen as lesser sex. For this reason, woman's rights hypothesis in social work pays mind boggling time to introspect â€Å"feminist history, topography, writing, science, and creates thoughts and approaches that are helpful in a wide assortment of these disciplines† (Mohr 1998, p.345). Women's liberation hypothesis, rather than human administrations hypothesis, is basically an analysis of the convectional social work speculations. Putting more accentuation on the women’s need built up an elective information an endevour to strike an ordinary and position when contrasted with men. Apparently, the position taken by women's liberation scholars is without a doubt a flawed one. For example, in what manner can concentrating more on issues identified with ladies help in advancing uniformity inside human administrations associations whil e nullifying the worries of men, either in part or in totality? Evidently, the more the discussion maintain the enunciation ladies as es

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Reduce Stress With Increased Assertiveness

Reduce Stress With Increased Assertiveness Stress Management Management Techniques Print Reduce Stress With Increased Assertiveness By Elizabeth Scott, MS twitter Elizabeth Scott, MS, is a wellness coach specializing in stress management and quality of life, and the author of 8 Keys to Stress Management. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Scott, MS Updated on September 19, 2018 How Stress Impacts Your Health Overview Signs of Burnout Stress and Weight Gain Benefits of Exercise Stress Reduction Tips Self-Care Practices Mindful Living Thomas Barwick / Stone / Getty Images Assertiveness isnt usually thought of as a way to reduce stress, but you may be surprised by how exercising this character trait can improve your mood. What Is Assertiveness? Assertiveness is the ability to express one’s feelings and assert one’s rights while respecting the feelings and rights of others. Assertive communication is appropriately direct, open and honest, and clarifies one’s needs to the other person. Assertiveness comes naturally to some but is a skill that can be learned. People who have mastered the skill of assertiveness are able to greatly reduce the level of interpersonal conflict in their lives, thereby reducing a major source of stress. Assertiveness Compared to Other Behavior Sometimes people confuse aggressiveness with assertiveness, seeing that both types of behavior involve standing up for one’s rights and expressing one’s needs. The key difference between the two styles is that individuals behaving assertively will express themselves in ways that respect the other person. They assume the best about people, respect themselves, and think “win-win” and try to compromise. In contrast, individuals behaving aggressively will tend to employ tactics that are disrespectful, manipulative, demeaning, or abusive. They make negative assumptions about the motives of others and think in retaliatory terms, or they don’t think of the other person’s point of view at all. They win at the expense of others and create unnecessary conflict. Passive individuals don’t know how to adequately communicate their feelings and need to others. They tend to fear conflict so much that they let their needs go unmet and keep their feelings secret in order to ‘keep the peace’. They let others win while they lose out; the problem with this (which I’ll go into in more detail momentarily) is that everybody involved loses, at least to an extent. What Does Assertiveness Look Like? Here are some common scenarios, with examples of each style of behavior: Scenario A: Someone cuts in front of you at the supermarket. An aggressive response would be to assume they did it on purpose and angrily say, “Hey, jackass, no cuts!” A passive response would be to just let the person stay in front of you. An assertive response would be to assume that they may not have seen you in line and politely say, “Excuse me, but I was in line.” Scenario B: Your friend, who can be quite verbose, calls to vent about her bad day. Unfortunately, you have a lot of work to do and don’t have time to talk. An aggressive response would be to become angry that she obviously doesn’t respect your time, cut her off, and sarcastically say, “Oh, get over it! I have my own problems!” A passive response would be to let her talk for as long as she needs, and figure that your deadline can suffer; she needs your help. An assertive response would be to listen for a minute or two, then compassionately say, “Wow, it sounds like you’re having a tough day! I’d love to talk to you about it, but I don’t have the time right now. Can we talk later tonight?” Get the idea? The Benefits of Assertiveness Assertive people tend to have fewer conflicts in their dealings with others, which translates into much less stress in their lives. They get their needs metâ€"which also means less stressing over unmet needs and help others get their needs met, too. Having stronger, more supportive relationships virtually guarantees that, in a bind, they have people they can count on, which also helps with stress management, and even leads to a healthier body. In contrast, aggressiveness tends to alienate others and create unnecessary stress. Those on the receiving end of aggressive behavior tend to feel attacked and often avoid the aggressive individual, understandably. Over time, people who behave aggressively tend to have a string of failed relationships and little social support, and they don’t always understand that this is related to their own behavior. Ironically, they often feel like victims, too. Passive people aim to avoid conflict by avoiding communication about their needs and feelings, but this behavior damages relationships in the long run. They may feel like victims, but continue to avoid confrontation, becoming increasingly angry until, when they finally do say something, it comes out aggressively. The other party doesn’t even know there’s a problem until the formerly passive individual virtually explodes! This leads to hard feelings, weaker relationships, and more passivity. Become More Assertive The first step in becoming more assertive is to take an honest look at yourself and your responses, to see where you currently stand. The answers to the following questions will help clue you in: Do you have difficulty accepting constructive criticism?Do you find yourself saying ‘yes’ to requests that you should really say ‘no’ to, just to avoid disappointing people?Do you have trouble voicing a difference of opinion with others?Do people tend to feel alienated by your communication style when you do disagree with them?Do you feel attacked when someone has an opinion different from your own? If you answered yes to several of these, you may benefit from learning assertiveness skills.