Monday, September 30, 2019

Christmas †8th Grade Expository Example Essay

â€Å"City sidewalks, busy sidewalks dressed in holiday style†¦ In the air, there’s a feeling of Christmas†¦Ã¢â‚¬  My favorite holiday has always been Christmas. I love everything about it! One of the best things about Christmastime is that we get such a long time off from school. In addition to that, my family flies back home to Pennsylvania in December, so we always get to see snow. We also spend time with family and friends playing games and exchanging gifts, which is always a lot of fun. Of all the holidays, I think Christmas is the best! Towards the end of December, we all really need a break, and Christmas Break comes at just the right time, lasting just over two weeks! It’s so nice to have off from school at a time when there’s great holiday music on the radio and great sales in all the stores. Not to mention the fantastic foods filling my plate as I go to all the holiday get-togethers. I don’t like too many gatherings, though, sometimes I just like to rest. I try to spend most of my time on the long break relaxing and enjoying family. Speaking of family, I get to fly back home to Pennsylvania over Christmas Break to visit my relatives. It is always snowy in Pennsylvania in December, so that’s an exciting part our vacation for my sister and me. We go to my cousins’ house and ride four wheelers in the snow, pulling inner tubes behind them. Our parents usually get some great videos of us playing in the snow. Last year we stayed outside so long in a snowstorm, that our hair was caked with snow by the time we came in! It looked like we had white dreadlocks! It is always so fun having adventures with my cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents back home in Pennsylvania. In addition to all of our snowy adventures, we also spend lots of time indoors with famil y and friends playing games and exchanging gifts. My grandma buys tons of little gifts – mostly candy and dollar store items, but a few nice things, too – that she wraps up and uses as prizes in a game that the whole family plays. There are about twenty of us sitting around her long dining room table, and we roll dice for about two minutes. Whenever anyone rolls doubles, they get to take a present. When all the presents are gone, but there’s still time on the clock, you get to steal someone else’s present! It’s kind of hard to explain, but it’s the most fun our family has at the holidays. Spending time with all of my family over Christmas Break is a great time that is very special to me†¦and getting little gifts is an added bonus! Just like most people I know, I think Christmas is the best holiday ever! Having such a long time off from school is a much-needed break in the middle of the school year. Because the break is so long, my family can fit in time to fly back home to Pennsylvania to have some fun playing in the snow. The fun continues indoors with family games and gifts, always a highlight of the vacation. This vacation is something I look forward to all year round. Christmas brings me so much happiness†¦just like those Silver Bells. â€Å"Ring-a-ling†¦.Hear them ring†¦ Soon it will be Christmas Day.†

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Frankenstein or the monster? Essay

The film over exaggerates the apprence of the creature making him look terrifying. The film also consetrate more on the action rather than the feelings of the creature. The film had more compassion for victor as he was getting chased by this gigantic frightening monster At the beginning of the story the creature is seen as a monster but when the monster tells his story to Frankenstein he seems the victim. As the story goes on the sympathy for Frankenstein increases the reader then realises that the creature is just getting even with the world for the things the world did to the creature, like rejecting him. The creature’s story makes the reader realise that he isn’t a monster just a neglected baby who grows up full of hatred because of oppression and mistreatment. The novel’s genre is a romance, horror, thriller, science fiction, and action. This might be the reason why it is so popular. It is a romantic novel because of the fact that the creature desires love and because of Frankenstein’s love for his family. It is a horror novel from Frankenstein’s point of view because the creature seems like a monster that is intent on killing and hurting people. It is also a thriller novel because it leaves you in suspense about the murder of the young boy, William, and also a science fiction story for the cloning and bringing to life of a human being. It is an action novel as well because of the fighting and chasing. When the book was first published, it was not popular at all since it was considered a dark and devilish novel. Readers were extremely superstitious at the time. It became more popular as people became less superstitious and understood the subtext of promoting parenting skills. Mary Shelley’s original name was a Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, and on the 30th of August Mary Shelley’s mother died giving birth to her. Her mother and father were also Famous in the publishing world. When she was 17, she eloped to France with her lover. Her lover was the infamous Percy Shelley; Mary was pregnant with his baby. After that, her father did not talk to her for 2 years. Mary Shelley gave birth to her daughter Clara two weeks premature. Clara died a couple of weeks later. She had nightmares about her baby’s death, that and her father not talking to her, probably inspired her to write such a dark novel. The reader sympathises with the monster because he is not supported or loved (as Shelley felt unsupported). Frankenstein’s role in the novel changes it goes from victim to villain. At first victor is being chased by the monster that he created because victor neglected and abuse the creature turning it into a monster but later on, the reader realises that Frankenstein rejects the creature just because of what he looks like. The creature just wants to ask him to make another being like him so he will have some one to loves who loved him, back. Frankenstein seems to the reader to be the villain. Although he doesn’t actually commit murder, victor Frankenstein indirectly causes the problems. If he had considered the implications of creating another being. Many of the tragedies in the text would have been avoided. Frankenstein thinks he is the victim of the monster but he really is the victim of knowledge and curiosity. Find out what imagery Frankenstein uses. A good father is a man who is there for a child when ever life gets rough. He helps them grow up strong and loved, which also lets the child know he is appreciated. The creature is rejected by other people as well as his father/ creator and grows up full of hatred. He is forced to grow up very quickly and very alone. Frankenstein abuses his child by neglecting him at first then denying him happiness later. The creature is just a child. The creature had no knowledge of the world and has no father to explain it to him. The creature is born an innocent child and all of the hatred that he is subjected to is passed on to him through the way he was treated by others. Even when he saved a girl from drowning her lover shots at him like he is the one who is threatening her life. The creature turns all of his hatred and swears to get even with the world. He turns his back on humanity. The creature is not born evil he simply turns evil to get vengeance. This links in to Shelley’s reading of Jean Jacques Rousseau and the ideas such as nature versus nurture. The creature becomes evil from his observation of the human race, he desperately wants to experience companionship and to be loved instead of being driven away and treated as a monster. His naivety gradually changes to cunning and hatred through his encounters and once he has murdered, the overwhelming sense of power feeds and nourishes him. Frankenstein is not portrayed as evil in the same way, his experiments are sinister and he is cowardly when the final result is too hideous for him to acknowledge. Frankenstein did not intend to create an evil creature many of its qualities were very fine, from intelligence to sensitivity and . a capacity for intense love. When Frankenstein was a young boy he described his own character saying ‘My temper was sometimes violent, and my passions vehementi which suggests to the reader that they were very similar. Unfortunately the hideous body never allowed any human to experience the other side of its character. All in all they both were just as evil in their own way and both ended up unhappy. The creature was not a great deal different they were both smart and craved knowledge. If Frankenstein was treated as bad as the creature was then he would have certainly turned his back on all of humanity. The creature’s life would have been very different if he had a father who did not abandon him and loved him, because the creature would have someone to lean on. I feel more sympathy for the creature than for victor Frankenstein mainly due to the fact that the creature wasn’t even given the right to live or be loved. The creature was put through many ordeals and was hated by all that see/ meet him with an exception of one, the blind man. The blind man didn’t reject the creature because he couldn’t see his abnormal body. I hardly felt any empathy toward victor since he abandoned his son the person he gave life to then not allow him to live. I believe that I feel sorry for the monster more because I could imagine the difficulty of not having any parents to bring me up. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Mary Shelley section.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Compare FedEx and UPS Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Compare FedEx and UPS - Assignment Example UPS is slow in delivery and does not adequately track the customers’ parcels. UPS business operations are divided in to three segments. UPS delivers package, provides transportation, logistics and financial related services both in US and other countries. The three business segments of UPS are US domestic package, International package and Supply chain and Freight business segment (Dennis, 2011). UPS supply chain and freight business segment provides services such as customs brokerage, supply chain management, freight distribution and consulting services such as technology solutions. UPS has 220,000 employees, 523 aircrafts and over one hundred thousand cars, trucks and vans for ground transportation. On the other hand, FedEx has four main business segments that are FedEx ground, FedEx express, FedEx freight and FedEx services. FedEx Express is tasked with shipping services for the delivery packages (Kurtz & Boone, 2009). FedEx also provides custom clearing, ocean and air freight forwarding services and other international trade advisory services (Kurtz & Boo ne, 2009). FedEx Ground offers ground parcel delivery while FedEx Freight offers the less-than truckload airfreight parcel delivery services that are time sensitive. FedEx Services provides customers with numerous services such as computer rentals, information communication solutions, marketing services, web-based platforms and customer service support (Dennis, 2011). From the business segments of each company, FedEx has managed to diversify the services than UPS that mainly depends on the traditional packages and parcel delivery business segment. Both UPS and FedEx have extensive regional presence in Europe and Asian continents. FedEx offers time specific delivery in most of the countries especially in Asia through the FedEx Asia one network (Dennis, 2011). FedEx and UPS are the largest companies in the courier industry. FedEx have cheerful customer

Friday, September 27, 2019

Transportation Infrastructure Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Transportation Infrastructure - Research Paper Example Due to this reason, users consult reliable companies which utilize the latest modes of transportation and technologies for efficient delivery. The use of latest technologies has introduced new trends in transportation industry and put certain direct implications on different actors associated with this field ( These actors include infrastructure (e.g. roads, highways, bridges, railways, subways, tramways, airports, seaports etc), modes of transportation (e.g. buses, cars, rails, trams, planes, freights etc), and functions pertaining to of transportation industry. Since users keep themselves continuously engage with new innovative services in all facets of life, therefore, by focusing on transportation infrastructure, this paper mainly describes the modern developments in transportation infrastructure and its ultimate impact on different aspects of transportation. Infrastructure is basically an organized physical structure which is established for a particular operation at government or corporate level. In particular context, the word infrastructure is used for transportation like roads, water supply, and communications etc. in other words, â€Å"the physical components of interrelated systems providing commodities and services essential to enable, sustain, or enhance societal living conditions† (Fulmer, 2009). Similarly, transportation infrastructure is an organized structure which is utilized for the shipment of goods, commodities, services and even passengers from one place to another ( The transportation infrastructure is the sum of all technical instruments and organizations designed to enable persons, commodities, and news to master space. Its format any given time responds to the complex of human needs, economic, social, cultural, ecclesiastical etc.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Relationship Between Cultural Consumption, Identity And Holidays Essay

Relationship Between Cultural Consumption, Identity And Holidays - Essay Example The research and subsequent analysis of data clearly indicated that choice of holiday destinations depended largely on the cultural trend of the society under consideration. Members of a society made choices in accordance with the human values that were attributed to various destinations and it was further confirmed that human values played a much more decisive role in collectivist societies than in individualistic societies. Thus this study also brings to light the most pertinent fact that a proper analysis of subjective trends in a culture is absolutely imperative if one were to form clear predictive perceptions about how people transfer value to their environment and how they make their consumption choices. The commercial lesson that can be obtained from this study is that these findings must be kept in mind when formulating campaigns to attract tourists from various societies having various biases and any product or service that can be placed favourably with respect to the percep tions of that particular society will quite obviously get a very positive reception from large sections of the society. This report makes the conclusions drawn above apply for a large majority of members in different societies, there will always be individual members in every society who would defy the norms and set out their own agenda. Thus never be surprised if you see a Brazilian skiing down an especially tricky mountain slope in the Alps or hitch hiking along country roads of Cambodia.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Corporate Repurchase Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Corporate Repurchase - Research Paper Example This is an indication of a growing business when people are buying business' stocks. The business growth benefits both, the owners, as well as the investors. In order to extend the stock fundraising, corporations repurchase their stocks. This process is commonly known as a 'corporate repurchase'. 'Repos', 'buybacks', 'reverse repos', 'or 'repurchase agreements' are also some terms implying the same process. (WiseGEEk, 2009) A repurchase agreement, also known as lending buyback occurs when all or some of the securities, comprising of bonds, stocks, or money markets; are sold by the corporation at a premium. The corporation agrees to buyback these securities later at a higher price. A repurchase agreement is very similar to a 'secured loan' in different ways as the securities are taken as collateral. Typically, the repayment takes place after a few months. This is the case of a short option loan. Long option loan, for which repayment can be prolonged up to two years, are not so common. (WiseGEEk, 2009) When corporations buy their own stocks from the general market or stockholders in a systematic fashion, it is called a corporate buyback. In order to cut down the costs of the repurchase agreement, the corporations can combine it with a corporate repurchase program. ... This is a possibility when there are two differing ideas. (WiseGEEk, 2009) A corporate repurchase program can strategically explain that a company thinks of its stock in the market as undervalued. When the companies offer a buyback plan, they are actually cutting down the amount of outstanding stocks, as corporate heads are allowed to buy stocks from stockholders. Thus, the stock price goes up. (WiseGEEk, 2009) A corporate repurchase may also be undertaken for other reasons. It can be used to offset the costs that are incurred when companies offer a compensation package to the workers. It may also be used to strengthen internal control. A company's stock earnings weaken when it is offering stock options or provides for a 401K. Stocks are brought back into the control of the company when a buyback occurs. The worth of stocks also increases for the existing stockholders. (WiseGEEk, 2009) A corporate repurchase can be carried out in several ways. For instance, existing stockholders can be consulted. An offer is made to them to purchase the stocks at a premium. Investors do not get much time to accomplish it. Another way of repurchasing stocks is by acquiring stocks on the market. This process takes a long time. Corporate repurchase is indeed a very effective way that enables businesses to purchase the company back from stockholders. If 100% of the company's stocks are bought back, the corporation may become private and abandon the public trade method. (WiseGEEk, 2009) Buybacks are a way of administrating the buyers' market. The process limits the stocks for investors. Supply and demand of stocks is controlled when a company engages in a buyback. A buyers' market is transformed into a seller's market as the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Production Of A Klashnikov Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Production Of A Klashnikov - Coursework Example The stock of the rifle in it is production is simply made out of wood, which is a non-strategic material, over time, AK-47, have been simplified through the use of spot welding, reducing the number of machined parts 2. One production method I would use to produce the riffle is Izhmash production method which produces around 95 units per hour which is an equal amount of over 1 million units per year. The process is rather cheap and cost effective both in the short run and long run. 3. The manufacturing methods used in mass production in comparison to those used in less developed regions is way very different, in mass production, the methods used are very advanced and fast to produce, new design are being tried and tested so as to improve the future designs while at the same time improve its accuracy and reliability. In less developed region, the manufacturing methods lack the new technology hand in it and thus are faced with the challenge of producing as many numbers as possible. For instance, in Russia the Izhevsk production method is the chief mass manufacture of the riffle, producing in mass numbers and has equally sold over 50 million units since its inception. Fackler M, L., Malinowski ,JA., Hoxie S,W., Jason, A. "Wounding Effects of the AK-47 Rifle Used by Patrick Purdy in the Stockton, California, Schoolyard Shooting of 17 January 1989". American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology 11 (3): 185–9. (1990).

Monday, September 23, 2019

Product Costing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Product Costing - Essay Example This implies that, the cost of a finished unit in inventory will include direct materials and labor, and both fixed and variable manufacturing overheads. It is notable that, absorption costing is the most preferred method for external reporting as per the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Absorption costing is fundamental in tracing the variable costs of production and the fixed costs attributed to the production of the product (Riahi, 2001). It is imperative to note that, absorption costing is dissimilar from the other costing methods since it takes into account fixed manufacturing overhead (the counting expenses ) such as factory rent, utilities and amortization (Riahi, 2001). Absorption costing forms three different types of costing, which include job order costing, process and ABC costing. Job order costing Considering the job order costing, the costs are assigned to the product in Batches or lots (Avis & Killick, 2009). Job order method is used in companies that o ffer bespoke or distinctive products or services. It is common in service industries that, serve customers with inimitable needs. Such services may include tracing of the number of hours spent on each individual client’s account (Avis & Killick, 2009). Fundamentally, the manufacturing cost categories include direct materials, direct labor and manufacturing overhead. All these jobs are counted as inventory until the good or product is sold. It is essential to note that, the job order cost system requires the manufacturing costs recorded in a document called the job cost sheet. This sheet provides a detailed record of the cost incurred to complete a specific job. Consider the following illustrations that, indicates how three kinds of manufacturing costs are allotted in a job order cost system. Direct materials job cost sheet Direct Labor manufacturing overhead Fixed overhead rate It is noticeable that, direct materials and direct labor costs are allotted to jobs differently tha n manufacturing overhead costs. For instance, the direct costs, requires keeping of track of the costs of specific jobs with a set of records referred to as the source documents. Essentially a source document is a hard copy document similar to the receipt issued after payment (Horngren, Datar & Rajan, 2012). However most companies use paperless system where information is stored in electronic databases. On the other hand, manufacturing overhead comprises of the costs that cannot be directly traced to particular jobs. It is imperative to note that, on assigning these jobs, accountants should use a predetermined overhead rate based on some secondary allotment measure and cost driver. The material requisition form refers to the form that lists the quantity and cost of the direct materials used in a particular job. This is normally done before materials are used on a job. The fundamental purpose of this form is control the physical outflow of materials from inventory and into production . Similarly, a direct labor time tickets refers to a source document that shows how much time a laborer spends on a range of jobs per week. On the other hand, job cost sheet is a document that gives a summary of all the costs incurred on a specific job. Process costing Process costing refers to a costing method where all costs are

Sunday, September 22, 2019

My drama group comprised Essay Example for Free

My drama group comprised Essay My drama group comprised of five people including myself. We set out to create an improvised piece of drama, thematically based on greed, love, betrayal, envy and revenge. During the time spent preparing for our improvisation, we came across many sources that had an immense influence on our piece. In order to appropriately progress with the play, we had to research the key elements within the sources to which were relevant to our context. As it was an improvised production we did not follow a set script but created a basic guideline from which we could refer to and enable us to keep on track. Our research into these sources was definitely apparent in our final performance, which was acted out in front of our drama set. In this essay, I intend to compare our improvised piece of drama with the sources we used in order to point out the similarities and illustrate the inspiration we drew from them. During the course of producing our play, we used the well-known novel and recently filmed The Count of Monte Cristo to draw influence on certain scenes, which clearly showed up in our final production. The plot of the Count of Monte Cristo is also thematically based upon betrayal, love, greed, envy and revenge. As a young sailor, Edmond Dantes, an honest and humble man whose peaceful life and plans to marry his wife Mercedes are ruined when his supposed best friend, Vernand, betrays him in order to get Mercedes for himself. Edmond is unjustly sentenced to an island prison after being framed by Vernand for high treason and is trapped in a nightmare for thirteen years. This key element is clearly apparent in our piece of drama, as Fernando, a rich and successful man soon to wed his Fiancà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½e Victoria, is betrayed by his two deceitful friends who envy his wealth and is cast away by them to a deserted island. Obviously we have shared and incorporated the same basic ideas and themes in order to create an improvised piece of our own. A similar pattern is followed in the theme of revenge. In the Count of Monte Cristo Edmond is aided by an elderly and wise inmate whom he learns from and the two plot to escape from prison but only Edmond succeeds and returns to his mainland execute revenge on those who wronged him, under the title of a mysterious Count of Monte Cristo. We too were able draft the theme of revenge into our play. Fernando is aided by a castaway on the island who helps him survive and teaches him how to fight. Eventually, he escapes back to his homeland alone and executes revenge on his old friends using his new skills. This worked effectively in our production and formed the backbone plot to our final improvisation. Both the periods of the Count of Monte Cristo and our play is set in the mid seventeenth century so more research had to be done to make our characters realistic. Another key source that we researched carefully to progress with our island scene was the film, Cast Away. In this movie, a man is cast away to a deserted island where he is forced to learn how to survive for only one reason, his love for his wife. This inspired our play as the only things which Fernando wants to live for when he is on the island is to see his wife again and to execute revenge on his friends who betrayed him. We used the idea of being abandoned alone from home on an island but we incorporated a companion to our main character, Dartanion, who had been living on the island for more than seven years. Research into his characters speech, movement, body language etc was essential as we could not comprehend how somebody would be like after living alone on an island for seven years and therefore looking into movie of Cast Away was very useful. These two sources were our main areas of influence. However we did look into the classic story Robinson Crusoe where a civilized man meets a savage and teaches him how to be civilised. In the case of our play, a savage man teaches a civilised man to be more savage and the basic survival skills. We made it a point to show the character development of Fernando in terms of acting and the on stage relationship between the two. In conclusion, our play was a joint extract of all these sources combined with our own interpretation and improvisation.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The conduct and preparation of lessons Essay Example for Free

The conduct and preparation of lessons Essay Read the previous chapter and the chapter you’re on. If short on time, read only the first and last paragraph Write questions down about the subtitles. Ask them to the teacher if they aren’t answered during the lesson Examine images carefully Write down new words and concepts Try to make a connection to the previous lesson During class On each page of notes leave a space on top (for a summary) and a side bar to add an outline later Copy every sample-problem, with all the intermediate steps Note: bog ideas/concepts, images and legends and all that is repeated Do not worry about presentation, just keep your notes minimalist even if it takes up more paper Ask questions After class Fill â€Å"empty spots† in your notes and clear up doubts asap Use your personal system of processing info to organize it (do you like flashcards, plain notes?) Try to connect new info with previous knowledge Write down the summary Think what the purpose of this lesson was: which principles were applied and to which problems? Add the outline to your notes Think up aditional questions Try to get a head start on your homework Read again the chapter in study and do it actively (underline, ask questions and shit) and relate it to your homework Study Before getting started make sure you have all you need The hours you have pre-designated for study must be sacred! (video games and outing with friends should be re-scheduled to your free time) Learn things ONCE by asking the question â€Å"why?† repeatedly until you truly understand shit No multitasking with music or TV (do what works best for you but I work best in complete silence of lyric-less upbeat music in a low volume) Organize knowledge in webs where concepts connect instead of boxes where they are by creating connections with pictures and examples. If needed, force it with a stupid metaphor Do not â€Å"go study†: have specific tasks you want to accomplish like solving a list of 5 problems or reading one chapter. Put a deadline on it too Pay attention to the environment before you start: is it right? Examine furniture, supplies and noise. You can’t concentrate right in a wobbly chair Work over the same content in different ways: read, rewrite, summarize Rewrite your notes in small sets for easy reviewing Study in small chunks of time with breaks (pomodoro?) When in break, get up, move and be social Make mini-guides with the answers to all the questions about a certain subject. It makes for easy reviewing Make a formula guide/sheet for each course  At the end of each study session: review, ask stuff, read, read aloud, test yourself about it Or just read, rewrite and read what you wrote  Verify your dominion over a theoretical fact by stating it, explaining why and connecting it with other ideas. List a typical problem featuring it and how it helps solve it Break it down in simpler and simpler terms until you can explain to someone who doesn’t know shit about it like an arts major or something Keep in mind the forgetting curve and schedule review sessions  accordingly. Repeat each content the day itself, the following day, week and month. This means each day you should review stuff you were taught yesterday, last week and last month Assignments Make a list of goals Plan how you’ll get to them Reverse engineer your dates, use something like Ask the teacher to clarify any question about the assignment asap Gather all the info you can  Research it  Organize all the info you have into chapters or themes before you begin Write in two phases: free writing with no edit and careful editing, leaving at least 24h between stages Deliver a good looking version to the teacher, even if you need to rewrite it Look for feedback before the deadline if possible Presentations Include slides for presentation, outline, a section title and a summary in the end Keep the slides tidy and simple  Talk to the audience, don’t read Keep eye contact, ask for questions Reading When reading take notes, make small summaries, ask questions Make yourself a mini quiz and answer it at the end of each chapter Problems  Start the resolution of a problem asap  Read the instructions twice, the whole thing  Reduce it as much as possible  What it the principle they want you to apply?  What do you need to find? Name them  What to I have? List given data and formulae  Make a scheme, legend it, name all variables, given data, units used and whatnot If you can’t go on on your own, reread the relevant chapter first and your notes on it too Try by yourself first before asking for help from a teacher or older student Start with the easy tasks On a difficult problem, do all you can. When stuck, try to identify why. If you still don’t know how to unstuck yourself after a break, ask for help Verify if your solution is plausible Verify your resolution, solution and units  Later on, remake by yourself every problem you needed help with Practice with real problems as much as possible At the teacher’s office Go remove doubts you have Make specific questions Verify your progress Bring supplies This isn’t a class! Ask for feedback about your self-made tests At home Before going to sleep, review your day (study and self-evaluation) Plan tomorrow with tasks and times, be attentive to priorities and energy levels Pick your clothes for tomorrow  Verify your calendar for important stuff coming up  Keep a to-do list  Establish a cutoff hour for work after which you are no longer productive. For me it’s 22 or 10pm Keep your shit mostly organized so you can find whatever you need easily Before tests/exams (madness week) Start early, 2 weeks early if needed Make a set of compressed notes, using your mini-guides and notes Check your progress Ask for help now if you need it Review your homework problems (remake them?) Make a list of themes you need to study Make sure of what you can do in the available time: be equal parts realistic and ambitious Solve previous exams, make your own and solve them Ask the teacher for help with your sample tests Solve more problems Give all the subjects a â€Å"once over† before there’s only a week to the exam. Then you can ask for help before everyone else is too. Diversify your study,  all disciplines/courses each day for the same reason Define the exam: how long it lasts, what do you need to bring, how much it’s worth to your grade, content being evaluated, place The night before: quick review of related content, make your backpack including a snack and water, go to bed early and avoid sugar During tests/exams Bring 2 pencils and pens Avoid caffeine Get there 15 min early  Hear the instructions given verbally very carefully  Write down your name and read the whole thing (twice) before starting Start with the easy ones  Show all your work, no step is too small  Schedule  Keep your self in the loop by scheduling reading in your downtime. Include a magazine relevant to your field like a science journal Leave extra hours to fill when an urgent assignment comes up or an exam, and extra hours for fun too! Check if the time you are dedicating to academia is enough for your success Block off mandatory study time for each course per week. Use it to study, do homework and generally keep up with the program Include at least two extra catching up hours in the week. If you’ve been good with the rest, it will mostly be free time but use it to finish last details on an assignment or something Evaluate the value that extra-curricular bring to your life compared to how much time they take up Schedule a weekly hour as a review time: review your previous week and plan the next, paying attention to deadlines Work daily: at least 9 to 5 like a real job. This should make sure every night is free and with no pending work Motivation Studying is not a race, it’s more like a stretch before one Success is a skill Stick to the plan Make checklists to stick to the plan Don’t aim to outshine the brightest (yet), outshine the average student Work until your idols are rivals When in downtime think which the best use of your time is. Learn something Goals aren’t easy but they shouldn’t be either You may regret it along the way but don’t complain: boot camp is hard Don’t fight the system: learn it and make it work for you Dont be a problem Respect your leaders Respect is earned, slowly, keep your cool Fear motivates, panic paralyzes. Don’t panic Do not wait for inspiration. Take responsibility and act Make goals clear, simple and ambitious Answer the three magical questions: what to I want? What will I do to get it? What am I willing to give up? You’re in control, always Do small tasks to earn motivation Personal Gain energy without caffeine: bright light, movement, music Connect with people: share info that interests THEM, ask that to other people (maybe even introduce them), offer help, don’t ask for anything yet Later: share more info to their interest (or even to their family), introduce two contacts of yours, invite them to interesting FREE event Avoid heavy foods and studying around lunch (zzz) Try themed weeks in your down time to research and learn about stuff that interests you like photography or survival tricks On vacation Review goals Start projects Enjoy rest Keep your mind in shape (read) Study something you like/love Get ready for the â€Å"next round†

Friday, September 20, 2019

Risk Management Evaluation within a Hospital

Risk Management Evaluation within a Hospital By: David John Vidanes A WRITEN REPORT ON RISK MANAGEMENT Every organization that has been put up will go through different challenges, problems and conflict that could expose to different risks such as interruption in its operation or worst the risk of closing down of a business. This event could happen from the biggest or to the smallest and simplest organization in any industry, be it on Business, Agriculture, Information technology and/or Healthcare. Different risks are not only present in organizations but also to personal level. Risks are everywhere and because of this â€Å"Risk Management† come into picture. I’ve been part of Howard Hubbard Memorial Hospital back in the Philippines for two years. It is a 98 bed capacity industrial hospital and manages by DOLE Philippines. DOLE is a multinational company that mainly produces exports of different preserve fruits and also complies with different international standards organization like â€Å"ISO† or the International Organization in Standardization in its operation including its policies and procedures pertaining to risk Management. Risk management specific to safety in the workplace in my organization is done by group of people composed of high-level managers and mid-level managers (safety committee). They make necessary policies and procedures focused on eliminating if not reduction of identified risk. Risk management has proved its importance in the institution over the span of time that I work there. Risk management is the same as securing the future or it is a helping hand in attaining the goals and objectives set; there for when one organization utilize the risk management this will result in progress and development. For example, an employee who neglects or skips a certain safety protocols has a higher risk of facing an accident that could decrease on his or her productivity which also result in the loss of a company, while on the other hand, a worker who adheres to all safety procedure have a lower percentage of facing work related accidents therefor he/she is an efficient worker and that is always good for a company. Risk management stresses its importance by its benefits and contribution it brings to an organization. Obvious benefits of risk management in my previous organization are: Prevention of any possible undesirable event The decrease in the probability of an incident to happen Reduction of the most probable impact or effect of an incident that could happen Hence, this report will focus with different risk in my previous workplace specifically on safety. Prevention of harmful event is the common benefit since risk is defined as something that could happen in the future and leads to a loss of something of value, so managing risk is essentially prevention. One good example is the simple procedure done in the hospital I work is the Hand washing. Hand Washing before and after caring for a patient will â€Å"Prevent† Nosocomial Infection or the hospital acquired infection. It will safeguard the patients in the hospital and also the nurse who is caring for them. The managers cannot control everything inside the organization; same is true with the elements outside the organization that could affect a business such as the Community and Politics. Thus, risk management can decrease this probability of uncontrolled accidents or events by identification and assessment of different risk, their causes, and formulation of preventive measures and protocols basing on the identified causes this steps will aid greatly on minimizing the likelihood of an incident. Example, in the community that I am in, cases of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever is increasing over a short span of time; everyday each month there is prominent escalation of cases in the hospital. To decrease the incident of the disease, the hospital conducted Health teachings or Education to the community which contains the causes, mode of transmission, signs and symptoms and how to treat the disease. As a result, the community gains knowledge and awareness regarding the disease thus helped in the red uction of possible casualty. Components Affecting Risk Management A. Review activities and internal environment The hospital that I work back in the Philippines is the only facility in my town located at the foot of Mt. Matutum an active volcano that is monitored by DOLE Philippines and the local government. The hospital have all the basic services required for it to operate such as: Laboratories to take and test blood samples from patients Imaging and Radiology for conducting X-rays and Ultrasound imaging Pharmacy for all the medication needs of the patients Intensive care units, Neonatal intensive care units Operation Theater, Emergency Department Ambulance services Medical and Surgical wards Pediatric wards OB-GYNE wards Out-patient department Isolation Rooms for infectious patients Individual private rooms complete with a television and Refrigerator Canteen or cafeteria This given facilities and services comprise the 98 bed capacity industrial hospital. Staffs are all hardworking and friendly although sometimes conflicts in different departments is unavoidable but this minor conflicts are easily solved by the management. The facility is backed by DOLE Philippines in its finances; this includes the bills from electricity, water and telecommunication. Although the hospital is assisted by DOLE it still has a negative effect like, before we can purchase or request medical supplies for the day to day operation, it needs to be check and approved by a certain department in DOLE thus making thing complicated that sometimes result in the delayed in the resupplying of our stocks. The hospital mainly caters DOLE employee and their families since we are an industrial hospital of DOLE Philippines, aside from that we also take clients from the community. These clients keep the hospital staff busy from Monday to Sunday, day and night. The hospital staff encounters different people with different cases all throughout the day, especially in the emergency department where I am assigned. Most of the emergencies I handled are drunken patients who encountered vehicular accidents, a gunshot wound from an assassination attempt, heart attacks, patients with strokes, job related injuries from DOLE and all sorts of emergencies that one can imagine. B. Setting objective With all the activities and the environmental hazards inside the hospital, the objectives for a risk management is clearly focused on the safety of the staff and the clients inside the facility. The objective covers all the population inside the hospital whatever the purpose and transaction one at hand as long as this person is inside the hospital premises. C. Event identification Every day has different situations and different scenarios or situations; to keep tract with the happenings in the hospital, we have all sorts of different log books in almost all the areas. Aside from that, the facility has its own CCTV cameras and security personnel who patrols every now and then. â€Å"IR† or the incident report is the most common one; this is done by writing a report by the staff or staffs who are involved in an incident. Almost all of the activities in the hospital are recorded in the different log books by the staff to monitor; this will help the review of the causes and effects of an event or incident. One good example is when a staff was punctured accidentally by a needle used in a patient, the staff needs to write an Incident report containing the following: The nature of incident, place, time, date and on why did the staff think the incident happened. After which the staff needs to write in the log book specifically for all needle stick injuries. The most perceivable risk in the hospital that I work before are: Risk for needle stick injury, Risk for acquiring infectious diseases Risk for earthquake and fire since we are literally at the foot of volcano and a very warm environment Risk for physical injury for staff assigned at the emergency department. D. Risk Assessment The identified risk then will go through assessment prioritization and careful study as to its impact and on how often these incidents happen. The risk management firstly prioritizes on the risk of the staff to acquire highly contagious diseases because every day, staff nurses interacts and personally care for these infected clients. Its likelihood to happen is high without proper precaution and will not only affect the organization but also the community. In an instance, a staff nurse is caring for a patient with tuberculosis, after a few weeks the nurse shows signs and symptoms and has acquired tuberculosis. The staff then is now capable of spreading the disease to his/her workplace and the community. The mentioned situation has immense damaging outcome that it needs to be prioritize. Risk for needle stick injury is also common but controllable if safety procedures and protocols are followed. The same goes with the risk for injury in emergency department, the nurse can always ask f or assistance to a security in uncontrollable situations. The fire, earthquake and volcanic eruption on the other hand have a much greater impact than the rest but the likelihood of the event is less than the other identified risk. E. Risk response plan There are different strategies and plans formulated after careful assessment, study and prioritization. Different strategic plan were formulated in response to the risks. These are: To counteract the risk of obtaining an infectious disease, the use of personal protective equipment such a gloves, mask, gowns and goggles is strictly implemented. Hand washing every contact with a patient is also habitually done. For the risk of needle stick injury, the management posted several reminders and procedures in proper handling and disposal of sharp objects such as needles and surgical knives all over the hospital, specifically at the nurse station. On the emergency department, nurses assigned are reminded and thought to assess signs of possible aggravation of drunk and drug patients, security officers also take their rounds every now and then at the area. There is a yearly fire, earthquake and evacuation drills in the hospital which involves all the staff and patients. Aside from that all of the staff is thought on how to use a fire extinguisher and to do a first aid. Safety orientation to the new employees and reorientation yearly to the old staff is a continuous routine. All of these are strictly followed and implemented in the hospital I that I belong to before. F. Control activities The Safety committee had their regular meetings quarterly. In the meeting, they show reports of recent incidents that happen in the period. They check, verify and compare the data with the previous reports. They also held emergency or special meetings for emergency cases. Moreover the committee also sends personnel to different seminars and trainings to keep up to date in the different trends in occupational hazards and safety in general. G. Information and communication Information and communication is handled really well in my organization. Memos and new safety guidelines and being communicated well through series of orientation and meetings with different departments to make sure the information is being understood and clearly discussed with the staff. Different signage and posters are posted in different areas within the facility and can easily be seen by the clients, like the arrows pointing to the different emergency exits and posters of new information concerning the safety of the clients and staff on the hospital. H. Monitoring Safety committee monitors these protocols and procedures by doing daily or weekly checks or preventive maintenance on the different safety equipment such as the fire extinguishers, sprinkles smoke detectors and others. A personnel assigned makes sure that they are working properly and ready to use in emergencies. Evaluation is done through surveys and suggestions are always welcome to improve the situation or consequently to decrease the different risks. Howard Hubbard Memorial Hospital is a small facility compared to other institute in the county, but I think even though we are just a small organization, the management has a clear understanding of different risk at hand and on how to manage those risk, sure there is still room for improvement but I can see that the management is open for suggestions and is capable of changing the situation. Risk Management in this report as I have said is focused on operational aspect specifically to safety risks since there is a negligible financial risk due to the financial support by a successful company.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Eradicating the Deaf-World Essay -- Hearing Auditory Essays

Eradicating the Deaf-World Just like members of other minorities, such as Hispanics and African-Americans, Deaf people experience some of the same oppression and hardships. Although the attempts to "fix" members of and obliterate the DEAF-WORLD are not as highly publicized as problems with other minorities, they still exist. Throughout time, hearing people have been trying to destroy the DEAF-WORLD with the eugenics movement, the mainstreaming of Deaf children into public hearing schools, and cochlear implants. Overall, the eugenics movement was meant to discourage Deaf people from socializing, intermarrying, and reproducing with each other. But these goals are very much unachievable. When Deaf children are growing up in a residential school, they have no choice but to socialize with other Deaf children. Since they all pretty much use the same language, socialization is not a problem for them. Because these children grow up with others who use their language, they tend to remain close to their friends and often intermarry. Many people, including A. G. Bell, were opposed to Deaf marrying other Deaf. Bell said that sign language "causes the intermarriage of deaf-mutes and the propagation of their physical defect" (Lane, 1996:382). Bell also claimed that society was condoning the spread of "a defective race of human beings" by allowing Deaf people to socialize with each other (Jankowski, 1997:53). Since others too saw deafness as a physical defect, they agreed with Bell and started adopting or al schools for the Deaf where signed language is prohibited. If oral schools ended up being the only schools for Deaf, then their signed languages would have diminished along with a part of their heritage and culture. A long time ago, m... ...eliminated. The eugenic movement, mainstreaming, and cochlear implants have yet to prove that the culture of Deaf people can be taken away from them, which is ultimately a wonderful thing. Bibliography Jankowski, Katherine A. (1997). Deaf Empowerment: Emergence, Strugge, and Rhetoric. Gallaudet University Press, Washington DC. Lane, Harlan (1992). â€Å"Cochlear Implants are Wrong for Young Deaf Children.† Viewpoints on Deafness. Ed. Mervin D. Garretson. National Association of the Deaf, Silver Spring, MD. 89-92. Lane, Harlan; Hoffmeister, Rob and Bahan, Ben (1996). A Journey Into the DEAF-WORLD. Dawn Sign Press, San Diego, Ca. Padden, Carol and Humphries, Tom (1988). Deaf in America: Voices from a Culture. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA. Sacks, Oliver (1990). Seeing Voices: A Journey Into the World of the Deaf. Harper Perennial, New York, NY.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Sometimes A Shining Moment :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the book Sometimes a Shining Moment: Eliot Wiginton had a student that talked about a teacher who takes time to recognize students as an individual and not just part of a group. The student went on to say â€Å"I had one particular teacher that I would never forget. Once when the teacher gave back an essay I found that she had complimented my essay, the topic, and even me.† I had a teacher that that was just like the teacher that one of the juniors or seniors had. The teacher that I remember the best was my twelfth grade English teacher, Mrs. Oehler was a type of teacher that always involved every one in the class discussion. She took the time to realize me as a individual and not just a student that showed up for her class every day. Every day when I went to class I was excited to be their. We never knew what Mrs. Oehler had up her sleeve, but we knew that we would have a good time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When I showed up at room 124 on the first day of class I did not know what to expect. You see I never had Mrs. Oehler in my previous three years of high school. I thought she would be a nice person to have as teacher, but I never knew that she would be the best teacher that I ever had. I first noticed that Mrs. Oehler was a special kind of person when she came over to my desk and out of the clear blue she asked me about my story I was writing for her class. I was surprised to here her say â€Å"so Matt how do you like you story so far†. She did not ask any body else in the class, just me. It was those little things that she did that impressed me. She always made time in class for each and every one of us to state our opinion about the days topic.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Some days when we were reading a story she would turn it into a theatrical performance. She always keep us interested in what we were reading, and turned an ordinary assignment that would of been boring with any other teacher into a fun and rewarding experience.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We read the Adromenal Strain a story that dealt with a deadly virus from outer space and the use of the atomic bomb to rid the earth of this deadly infection. Our class was mixed with different emotions about using the atomic bomb. We discussed the effects and devastation that the bomb could bring and

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Sucessful in the World

INDIVIDUAL ESSAY PAPER:   40% DUE DATE:   Midnight Saturday 1st December 2012 (Week 7) WORD LENGTH:   2500 words The paper should be written in an essay style and not like a business report, and is based on a case study of McDonald's restaurants in six countries around the world. Each Student is randomly assigned one of the 6 chapters in Royle and Towers (2002) ‘Labour Relations in the Global Fast – Food Industry’. – This book can be accessed and read electronically via the RMIT Library website) OR   Ã‚  you may access the copies of each of these chapters that are placed here on Blackboard. The particular countries are: the United States, Germany, Netherland, Russia, Singapore and Australia Topic of Individual Essay †¢   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  You are required to read and analyse your assigned topic in your study time, and also to research further the topic from other sources. †¢   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The questions you are to answer in essay form for your allocated country are : â€Å"1. What are the main elements (parties, laws, processes) of the industrial relations system of your allocated country? 2. Arising from these elements, what challenges exist for the global fast food companies in seeking to have a standard approach to HRM adopted internationally?To answer this consider: a. What elements are compatible with the standard approach to HRM b. What elements work against the adoption of standardised methods of HRM in the fast food industry? Justify your answer. â€Å" CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD CASE STUDY A good case analysis has the following qualities: †¢   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  focusing on the major themes of the case; †¢   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  linking the case to the theoretical framework discussed in the text or reading; †¢   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  addressing main issues or illustrating best practices; †¢   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Referencing the work of o thers is critically important Turnitin Used   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Trial the software before your final submission †¢   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Avoid the last minute submission †¢   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Re-submit next day if the first time it did not get through †¢   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Do not contact your lecturer for any Turnitin problems Essay Guidelines 1. Use of consistent referencing style (Harvard system as described in RMIT Reference Guide); 2. a well structured essay contains introduction, body, conclusion and references with minimum headings; 3. and, remember that a 2,500 word limit applies. A 5% deduction in marks is made for each 10% over or under the word limit. A Good Essay 1.Demonstrates that you carefully argue your case and the statements you make are justified with appropriate references; 2. shows that your discussion is grounded in the relevant field of research; 3. refers to cited materials, which are analysed in a critical and re flective manner; 4. and, cite scholarly journal papers, NOT Wikipedia or website materials without adequate academic citation Submission and Feedback †¢   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Essay should be submitted into Turnitin by midnight of the due date. †¢   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Late submissions will be automatically penalised at a rate of 10% of possible mark, per day late.And assignments will not be accepted more than five days late. Extensions are not normally granted. However, in cases of exceptional and genuine hardship (not including inconvenience, poor planning, completing assignments for other courses, or pressure of work) limited extensions MAY be given. Applications should be made in writing to the Course Coordinator, 7 days before the due date for submission, and, where appropriate, a medical certificate should be provided. Such applications will be granted, or refused, in writing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Feedback from lecturers is included in the marking s heets. †¢   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  All assignments must have a coversheet (blank copy attached) †¢   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A signed Statement of Authorship (blank copy attached) is also to be given to your lecturer in class †¢   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ask your lecturer if they require a hard-copy submission of the essay or if soft-copy submission to Turnitin is sufficient. †¢   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Requests for special consideration in the assessment of the final examination must be made before the examination takes place (See Student Information Booklet).Marking criteria for individual essay Essays are marked according to two principles: o   Ã‚  First are matters of style: use of bibliographic conventions, style, grammar and spelling, and the organisation of the essay. o   Ã‚  Second are matters of content: amount of work in the essay, quality of arguments, application of theory and background knowledge to compare the pattern of HRM and th e strategies and to evaluate them. Both are important, and the best essays are best on both measures. ____________________________________________________________ ESSAY EVALUATION: A. STYLE: 1. Reference List 2. Grammar and style 3. Structure of essay – Introduction – Organisation – Conclusion: B. CONTENT 4. Extent of research 5. Coherence of argument 6. Comprehension of theoretical principles 7. Application of principles to the proposals 8. Critical analysis is especially important Please keep a secure copy of your work until the final result for the course is given. PAPERS WHICH HAVE NO INTERNAL REFERENCING / NO REFERENCE LIST WILL NOT BE ASSESSED

Monday, September 16, 2019

First to Fight

FIRST TO FIGHT BOOK REPORT PFC WALTERS 1. TITLE: FIRST TO FIGHT 2. CBRN 1st Marine Division 3. AUTHOR: Victor H. Krulak Lieutenant General, USMC (Ret. ) 4. PUBLISHER: U. S. Naval Institute 5. PUBLISHED: 1984 6. PAGES: 227 7. COST: Base Library 8. SUBJECT: First to Fight is about Lieutenant General Victor H. Krulak’s personal experiences in the Marine Corps, and his ideas and opinions on how he views the Marine Corps. 9. OPINION: I thought First to Fight was a good book that went into a lot of detail into what Lieutenant General Krulak was a part of in the Marine Corps throughout his career.I did like the way he pointed out how the Marine Corps has always stood up for the American people’s rights in a roundabout way, without actually spelling it out. I also believe that every Marine needs to read this book because it shows how the Marines were almost absorbed and disbanded throughout history, and how close we were to not having a Marine Corps today. 10. INTRODUCTION: The book First to Fight starts off with a letter from then commandant General Randolph McC. Pate to Lieutenant General Krulak asking why the U.S. needs a Marine Corps. He responded five days later by answering the question conversely by asking why the U. S. does not need a Marine Corps. And the truth is America does not really need a Marine Corps. But the people want us to be here, not on any technical level but on a whole different level. The American people want it that way not on what we know what we are or what we know we can do, but what our country believes we are and believe what we can do. If that ever disappears, then so will the Marine Corps. 11.BODY: First to Fight starts out with Lieutenant General Krulak asking Gunnery Sergeant Walter Holzworth how the Marine Corps came by its reputation as of the world’s greatest fighting formations. He answered by stating that â€Å"they started right out telling everybody how great they were. Pretty soon they got to believing it themselves. And they have been busy ever since proving they were right. † He then goes on to talk about the beginning of the Marine Corps back in 1775 and how the Marines were initially raiders against British Commerce. The Continental Marines actually disappeared after the Treaty of Paris in 1783.They were revived in 1794, and their position was solidified in law in 1798. The Marines were used as seagoing police to help the Navy maintain discipline in its ships. Lady Luck has played a big role in keeping the Marines around also, by Lieutenant Presley O’Bannon at Derna, Floyd Gibbons report of Belleau Wood, and by playing the photographer Joe Rosenthal on top of Mt. Suribachi at the precise moment five Marines and one Corpsman raised the flag. There have been several big thinkers in the Marine Corps history that had the foresight to see what it would take to keep the Marine Corps alive in the future.The continuous struggle for a viable existence clearly fixed one of th e distinguishing characteristics of the Corps, a sensitive paranoia that has led to the Marines always challenging themselves to higher standards just to stay in the fight. The Marines have almost been disbanded several times throughout history. The Army has tried to disband or absorb us on more than one occasion. The Navy has tried to kick us off of their ships and hinder us from having any say so in any major military actions.Each time we have succeeded through congress and the American people to stay alive by showing we live, fight, and act to a higher standard than any of the other services. It is said the Marine Corps is the best in amphibious assault. In truth we were the first of the U. S. military to study it in depth. The Marines developed the Tentative Manual in 1934, which in 1935 was renamed the Manual for Naval Overseas Operations. It took seven months to write. This was a major part of the strategy for World War II, and was crucial for the Pacific island hopping campai gn.The Marines Corps has always struggled with the need for money, and one major example is outlined in Chapter Five and Chapter Six about how most of the doctrine was made before the Marines even had enough boats that could actually storm a beach. By the end of 1941, the Navy finally decided that the Marines were right and adopted the Higgins boat and the LVT and the Pacific Campaign was finally possible. The United States Congress sees the Marines as very frugal. This is another point that has kept the Marines here throughout the last two hundred years.They have been able to get into the Seminole War and the Mexican War because the Commandant told the President Marines would be cheaper to use than the Army. Under Commandant Lejeune the Marines actually returned money to the Treasury at the end of the fiscal year. From uniform items to equipment, compared to the other branches, all have been cheaper or out modeled. Finally in 1954 the Department of Defense engaged in a massive stan dardization program. Contracting and Manufacturing were consolidated but the Supply Depot still sits where it always has as a testament to the frugality of Marines over generations. 2. LESSON: The Marine Corps has been tested again and again about their very existence over the years. Each and every time the Marine Corps has stepped up to the test, and will continue to do so. The U. S. Congress has had to step in a few times to help the Marines, but they only do so because of our actions they have seen and the American people still want the Marine Corps alive. From the time a recruit steps on the yellow footprints all the way to a commissioned officer, all must strive to be better than they are, and continually raise the bar.If not the Marine Corps will cease to exist. If it was not for a small group of extremely dedicated Marines, the Marine Corps would already be a thing of history. 13. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, I think this is a very motivated book. It goes through past events th at made the Marine Corps what it is today. It is extremely detailed into what Lieutenant General Victor Krulak did and was a part of during his career. There is pride and purpose in it that show through his words what it means to be a United States Marine.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Managing Employee Motivation and Performance

INTERNATIONAL BURCH UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT MANAGING EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION AND PERFORMANCE RESEARCH PAPER by Nedzad ISAKOVIC Project Supervisor M. A. Edin SMAJIC SARAJEVO April, 2012 Contents 1. Introduction2 1. 1. The Motivation Process2 1. 2. Wath Managers Do In Practice2 2. Motivating by Structuring Jobs to Make Them Interesting3 2. 1. Job Design3 2. 2. Job Enrichment and Job Enlargement3 2. 3. The Job Characteristics Model4 3. Conclusion5 4. References7 1. Introduction Motivation is defined as the process that initiates, guides and maintains goal-oriented behaviors.Motivation is what causes us to act, whether it is getting a glass of water to reduce thirst, reading a book to gain knowledge or performing some specific job assignment to get pay. Why is the motivation of employees so important at the workplace? It is important for managers because it determines individual performance of the workers along with ability of the workers and work environment . The most challenging factor for manager to control of these three is motivation. Individual behavior is a complex phenomenon, and the manager needs to enter the core of the problem if he is going to solve it. 1. 1. The Motivation ProcessThe motivation process progresses through a series of discrete steps. Content, process, and reinforcement perspectives on motivation address different parts of this process (Griffin, 2008). Content perspective tries to find what factor or factors motivate people. The most popular content theories are Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the ERG theory and Herzberg’s two-factor theory. Process perspectives on motivation explore how the motivation process works and how it occurs. They try to find out why people certain behavior options to fulfill their needs and how workers evaluate their satisfactions after their decisions.Theories of process perspectives are expectancy theory, equity theory and the newer attribution theory. The reinforcement perspective tries to find out which factors force employees to continue being motivated. It tells us that employees will repeat the behavior for which they are rewarded, and they won’t repeat behavior for which they are punished. Reinforcement perspective uses positive reinforcement, avoidance, punishment and extinction as tools to keep employees motivated. These are just theories which help managers to determine what to do in practice. 1. 2.What Managers Do In Practice The most shared thought and strategy among managers in practice is that money motivates. Because of that managers use large variety of reward systems such as merit reward systems, incentive reward systems and team reward systems to improve motivation and performance of their employees. Their assumption is correct and employees do actually perform better when they know that they will receive more money for their improved performance. But another question arises: How long will the improved performance last if mo ney is key motivator?The answer is that it won’t last long. The studies have shown that individuals have difficulty recalling the bonus they receive and it does not seem to have the same impact it did within the first few weeks or months of receiving it. That's because money, in and of itself, will not continuously motivate individuals. Employees are motivated much more if money rewards are combined with recognition and with improved job design. Another problem that arises from using the money as a key factor of motivation is that it costs.The companies need to give large amounts of money to employees as bonuses and there were several cases where bonuses are actually larger than annual salaries of some employees. This becomes a real problem if company wants to decrease the amount of bonuses employees receive. Employees become more dissatisfied and unmotivated because they are used to have large bonuses, so their performance falls quite a lot. My opinion is that the best way t o motivate employees to perform better is to design jobs by making them more appealing to people. 1. Motivating by Structuring Jobs to Make Them Interesting 2. 3. Job DesignThis approach of motivation is directed at improving the essential nature of the work performed by changing the design of the job. Job design is concerned with structuring jobs in order to improve organization efficiency and employee job satisfaction (Snell/Bohlander, 2007). Employees today engage in repetitive movements, which they find highly routine and monotonous. Not surprisingly, people became bored with such jobs and their performance falls with time. Fortunately, today’s organizational scientists have found several ways of designing jobs that aren’t just efficient, but are also pleasant and motivating.Job enlargement and job enrichment are two approaches that improve motivation by changing job design. 2. 4. Job Enlargement and Job Enrichment One of the first modern approaches to redesigning jobs suggested that boredom of employees by engaging in highly repetitive jobs could be minimized by having people perform an increased number of different tasks all at the same level. This approach is known as job enlargement (Greenberg/Baron, 2008). Because of this approach employees don’t need higher skills or have higher responsibility, but perform more different actions at the same level.Changing job in this way is an increase in the horizontal job loading. Several studies showed that job enlargement is very useful way to increase employee job satisfaction and employee boredom at the workplace. A more effective approach, job enrichment, gives employees not only more jobs to do, but more tasks to perform at a higher level of skill and responsibility (Greenberg/Baron, 2008). The main idea of job enrichment is making jobs more interesting to people so that they will be more highly motivated to perform them.Job enrichment gives employees the opportunity to take greater contr ol over how to do their jobs. Because people performing enriched jobs work at higher levels than others, this approach increases a job’s vertical job loading. Even the job enrichment is successful it has some problems in implementation. First one is difficulty of implementation because it is expensive to redesign existing facilities. Second problem is lack of employee acceptance because not all employees are ready to accept the changes in their job accomplishment and higher obligations for the work they perform. 2. 5. The Job Characteristics ModelIn previous text I stated that employers should enrich the jobs, but I failed to specify precise what elements of a job need to be enriched for it to be effective. Job characteristics model answers this question. It assumes that jobs can be designed so as to help people get enjoyment out of their jobs and care about the work they do (Greenberg/Baron, 2008). It tells us how jobs can be redesigned to help employees feel that they are d oing meaningful and valuable work. The model specifies that enriching certain elements of jobs influences employee’s psychological states in a manner that increases their work effectiveness.It identifies five core job dimensions that help create three critical psychological states, leading to several beneficial personal and work outcomes. The five critical job dimensions are skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback. Skill variety shows us how many different tasks the employee performs using several of his skills and talents. Task identity shows us how much is employee involved in one piece of work, from beginning to end. Task significance shows us how much impact employee’s work has on others.Autonomy shows us how much freedom employees have in planning and performing jobs as they wish. Feedback shows us how much the job allows employees to know is their performance efficient enough. The model tells that these various job dimensions have important effects on many critical psychological states. Combination of these job dimensions have effect on experienced meaningfulness of the job performed, which is then experienced as highly important, valuable and worthwhile. Job dimensions also determine how much employees are personally responsible and accountable for their work.When they are free to decide what to do and how to do it they feel more responsible for their work. Finally, these job dimensions impact employee’s knowledge of the results of their work. When a job is designed to provide employees with information about the effects of their actions, they better understand how effective they are – and such knowledge improves their effectiveness. These critical psychological states affect personal and work outcomes such as: feelings of motivation, the quality of work performed, satisfaction with work, absenteeism and turnover.The higher these psychological states are, the more positive the personal and work benefits and outcomes will be. The job characteristics model is highly applicable and it has high and positive results. The employees that respond best to this model are the ones which have high need for personal growth and development. The model has been focus of many empirical tests, most of which are supportive of many aspects of the model. One study conducted among a group of South African clerical workers found particularly strong support for the job characteristic model (Greenberg/Baron, 2008). . Conclusion In my opinion altering employee motivation by changing job design is much more productive and better than improving motivation by incentive reward systems. It is true that inducing motivation by changing job design has several problems, such as difficulty of implementation and lack of employee acceptance, but these problems are easier to overcome than problems that occur when companies use money to motivate their employees. Incentive reward systems have problems beside the incredibly high costs to organization.These systems may lead to lower job satisfaction as the employees work until they reach their limit and then they become unhappy. They can also create competition within the organization and destroy cooperation among employees. Employees cannot be treated just as machines and the money they receive for their work just isn’t enough to satisfy them. They need recognition for their work and they need to see that the work they do is meaningful and worthwhile, and this is the thing that job design allows them to have. They feel respected and fulfilled and, at the end, motivated to perform the best they know. . References Ricky W. Griffin (2008). Management (9th Edition ed. ). Houghton Mifflin Company. Jerald Greenberg ; Robert A. Baron (2008). Behavior in Organizations (9th Edition ed. ). Pearson Prentice Hall. Luis R. Gomez-Mejia ; David B. Balkin ; Robert L. Cardy (2007). Managing Human Resources (5th Edition ed. ). Pearson Prentice Hall . Scott Snell ; George Bohlander (2007). Human Resorce Management. Thomson. http://psychology. about. com/od/mindex/g/motivation-definition. htm , http://www. entrepreneur. com/article/202352

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Personal Safety

STATE UNIVERSITY 2011 Bulletin for Students and Parents Personal Safety on Campus July 14, 2011 Overview State University prides itself as having one of the safest campuses in the entire northeast. Still, it cannot be stressed enough that personal safety, either on campus or off, is a shared responsibility. Students must understand that our campus security measures are only as effective as the precautions students take to ensure their own safety. In response to concerns over a 2010 incident in which a male student was accosted and robbed by a local resident, State University has prepared this bulletin as a primer on personal safety.Please talk with your student before the 2011—2012 school year begins about this increasingly important issue. If you have questions or specific concerns, please feel free to call our Campus Security Department at (555)  555. 1212. A Message from the President: —————————— Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- At State University, we consider the safety of our students and faculty of utmost importance. During the first week of classes, we will be offering daily seminars on campus safety. Students are strongly encouraged to attend one of these sessions. Personal Safety Know Your SurroundingsIf you detect suspicious activity, act immediately to remove yourself from danger. If you find yourself in a dangerous situation, follow these steps: 1. Trust your instincts and don’t take unnecessary risks. 2. Call for attention while moving to a lighted or populated area. 3. Call campus police (x1099) or 911. 4. If there is a fire alarm nearby, activate it. 5. If necessary, defend yourself with your keys or a pen. 6. Get yourself out of the situation as quickly as possible. At Home Discuss safety issues with your roommates and make sure you all have an understanding when it comes to safety.Agree to keep doors and windows locked, especially at night. Ke ep important safety numbers near your phone (see the end of this bulletin). Never open the door for strangers or let strangers into the building, even if they claim to be friends with a resident. Take the following individual precautions: * Never leave messages on your door announcing your whereabouts. * Always have your keys ready before reaching the door. * Never loan your keys to anyone. * Never prop open an entry door. * Do not write your name or address on your keys. * Report any defective locks immediately. Property SafetyPerhaps the most common yet preventable crime on college campuses is property theft. Following is a list of the most commonly stolen items: * * MP3 players * Cash * Jewelry * Bicycles * Skateboards * Laptops * Wallets/Purses * Backpacks * CDs/DVDs * Books * Cell phones * Credit cards Take the same precautions you would use to protect yourself. There is no need for flashy or expensive jewelry on campus; leave especially valuable jewelry in the safety of your h ome. Remember that you have to rely not only on yourself taking precautions, but also your roommates being responsible for your belongings, so discuss this with them.Never carry large amounts of cash and never leave your belongings unattended in the library or other common areas. Keep a list of serial numbers in case stolen property is recovered. Consider registering your bicycle with the SUCSS–sponsored retrieval program. Common Safety Tips * Always carry your cell phone. Important numbers are given at the end of this bulletin. * Carry a safety whistle, available free of charge at the Student Center. * Learn to defend yourself with unconventional weapons, such as your keys or a pen. * Avoid walking alone or in poorly lit areas at night.Use the â€Å"Buddy System. † * If you must walk at night, get a portable flashlight. * Be prepared. Know how you will respond beforehand. * Consider taking a self-defense course. * Keep your purse or handbag draped over your shoulder. * Never hitch a ride with someone you do not know. * If walking or jogging near the road, always face oncoming traffic. Important Numbers Campus PDx1099Strickland Hall, 211 City Police91134 Post Road Fire Dept555. 31237 Post Road Hospital555. 123419 Liberty Street Campus MDx1010Strickland Hall, 110

Summary “The Environmental Issue from Hell”

We’re Hot as Hell Is global warming a moral dilemma? Is it the public policy problem from hell? In â€Å"The Environmental Issue from Hell,† Bill McKibben uses many of such phrases en route to arguing for a new approach to global warming. By discussing hell and morals, the reader’s mind is already equating it with two heavily debated issues. Therefore, we begin to question their existence and how we should  deal  with the subjects. McKibben wisely chooses these disputes to represent his main concerns: the ways in which consumerism affects the global ecosystem, and the impact of humans on the environment.McKibben presents a solution on how to handle each of these environmental issues, utilizing both the people and the government. McKibben's point of how consumerism affects the global ecosystem is certainly relatable. With all the new technology forming, global warming has only increased, despite the many efforts to make everything more energy efficient. McKibb en points out that, â€Å"most of us live lives so divorced from the natural world that we hardly notice the changes anyway. (McKibben 747) Choosing the word divorce (which everyone has heard and in some way or another experienced), and also elaborating about parking garages  and air conditioning captivates the reader. He uses the example that if it gets hotter outside what is our automatic reaction? We turn the AC up without contemplation. He explains that these new technologies are not letting us feel the consequences of global warming, causing us to be completely ignorant of it. Related article: †The Proverbs of Administration† SummaryMckibben feels it is subsequently important to make people realize now because, â€Å"By the time the magnitude of the change is truly in our faces, it will be too late to do much about it. â€Å"(747). The author recognizes the delay between the actions we take to lower carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the actual results of it lowering. Due to the outcomes, Mckibben expresses, â€Å"†¦we need to be making the switch to solar  and wind and  hydrogen power  right now to prevent disaster decades away. â€Å" (747), summing up his thought that we need to be making the change to more energy efficient and eco-friendly power before it is too late.Mckibben inaugurates his third paragraph suggesting that we make the environmental issues, â€Å"†the great moral crisis of our time, and the equivalent of the civil rights movement of the 1960s. â€Å"(747). He uses this analogy to explain that in his opinion, we are strip-mining the present and destroying all of whom come after it. Thus, leading him to discuss exactly how humans’ materialistic ways have impacted the earth. From Bangladesh living three months in thigh high-deep water, to polar bears becoming â€Å"20% scrawnier than they were a decade ago† (748).The environmentalist writer goes on to discuss how to deal with global warming since it is indeed creeping up on us. Mckibben once again articulates his repetitive view that, â€Å"it’s a moral question, finally, if you think we owe any debt to the future. † (748). In many circumstances it is believed that if it had been done to us, we would dislike the generation that did it, just as how we will one day be disliked. The solution given in the essay on how to handle these environmental issues is to start a moral campaign.In other words, â€Å"†¦ turn it into a political issue, just as bus boycotts began to make public the issue of race, fo rcing the system to respond. â€Å" (748). As a part of the overall populist causing these issues, Mckibben understands that the hardest part about starting this moral campaign is identifying a villain to overcome. Briefly voicing that Carbon dioxide is the main villain, but you can't be mad at it, only the people responsible, which is us. We often become guilty of only looking through our own perspective lenses.In his eyes, we have fancy technology, unnecessarily big cars, and most importantly ignorance about the environmental world around us. McKibben is asking for us to take a  step  back and look from someone else’s point of view, which as an author is a brilliant idea. He is asking us as the readers to be open-minded and look through someone else’s eyes with the hope that it will be his. Works Cited Mckibben, Bill. â€Å"The Environmental Issue from Hell. † The Mcgraw-Hill Reader. Ed. Gilbert Muller. 11th ed. Boston: Learning Solutions. 2011. 746-49. P rint.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Gender discrimination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Gender discrimination - Essay Example Traditionally, men had better opportunities in life; but this has changed with modern girls and women having better opportunities albeit with many challenges than women in the past (Girls Inc 1). Feminist advocates have fought against social traditions and cultures that devalue and treat women as lesser human beings, and they have achieved valuable gains all over the world (Chesler 3). Their fight has highlighted some of the challenges and disadvantages women continually face. This has made it possible for the legislation of laws against gender discrimination. In the modern world, prestigious and powerful positions are obtained through quality education and this has traditionally been used to deny women these positions. In the past, education for boys and girls was different with women being predominantly trained on child rearing and housekeeping despite being intelligently at par with men (Deberg 1). This practice still exists in some parts of the world where the girl child is denied education based on worthless religious, social, or cultural norms. Without an education, women are restricted to low paying unskilled positions; and when married become inferior to the male who provide everything. This lack of independence is discriminatory and purely meant to make women submissive to the men. The modern woman, however, is sexually discriminated in employment promotions, benefits and leaves of absence because of her gender with the majority of the populace in the society having entrenched mentalities that women are the weaker sex supposed to be under the dominion of their male counterparts. The society has developed cultures based on the biological differences between men and women with each gender having specific roles, responsibilities, and expectations to be fulfilled (Haeberle 1). These cultural roles are discriminatory to women who are only

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Financial Institutions Strategic Management Essay

Financial Institutions Strategic Management - Essay Example Reference is made to the factors that have most affected the above industry’s performance but also to the factors that would continue to influence the particular industry in the future. The research developed in regard to the specific subject has led to the assumption that the USA banking industry has been highly supported, as of its establishment and further growth, by politicians and analysts; however, the relevant plans have often failed to meet the criteria set by their initiators. The need for radical changes on the sector’s strategic choices is clear; certain trends, as for example, the need for hiring stars for improving organizational performance, have been eliminated. In any case, problems related to the specific organizational sector, should be resolved by continuously updating the strategies of the industry’s firms, as appropriate, so that their goals are continuously aligned with the market rules and ethics. The development of banking industry in USA has been gradual. In fact, in USA banks have always been a key factor for economic growth (Coulbeck 1984). The establishment of the USA banking industry has been related to the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, which has emphasized on the categorization of the sectors of ‘the financial services industry, as following: commercial banking, investment banking and insurance’ (Koch and Scott 2009, p.2). Other legislative texts that followed, especially ‘the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956’ (Koch and Scott 2009, p.2), set the rules on which the activities of banks across USA should be based. The literature indicates that the establishment of bank branches across the country has been related to certain geographic criteria. In the study of Coulbeck (1984), emphasis is given on the following fact: in USA, banking activities have been always quite developed; in 1940 the banks operating across USA were estimated to 5,144 while in 1980 the above number has been decreased to 4,425 (Coulbeck

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

How Music Impacted the Slaves Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

How Music Impacted the Slaves - Essay Example Slave music can be grouped in three major categories: religious, work, and recreational. African traditions and Christianity inspired religious songs; work songs eased the burden of hard labor and helped slaves synchronize group tasks, encouraged slaves during long hours of physical toil; it kept their spirit up and could work harder and longer. Recreational songs mostly were played on string instruments; in their free time slaves listened and danced to the music. The lyrics of the slave music were simple; it expressed their hardship, sadness, and feelings (â€Å"Understand Slave Culture Through Songs†). They lyrics were repetitive which appealed to their educational levels. Slaves used music to protest against slavery by ridiculing their masters in songs. For example, a group of slaves witnessed their master falling from his horse, which was turned into a song with thinly veiled lyrics and sung by all the slaves in the field the next day as he rode by (â€Å"The New Worldâ⠂¬  1). It was mentioned above that salves did not pay much attention to the lyrics; however they were expressive that promised a better world in this and the next life. For example (Faigin 1), There is a balm in Gilead to make the wounded whole. There is a balm in Gilead to heal the sin-sick soul. One of these mornings bright and fair, I’m gonna lay down my heavy load. Gonna kick my wings and cleave the air, I’m gonna lay down my heavy load. Nat Turner was born on October 2, 1800, and was hanged on and skinned on November 1832 (â€Å"Net Turner’s Rebellion†). After the Nat Turner revolt, strict curfews required slaves to show passes in their travel from one plantation to another. At that time, slaves expressed their emotions through the following lyrics (Faigin): Run nigger,... This essay approves that American slaves found music as a mode of communication and expression. Slave music can be grouped in three major categories: religious, work, and recreational. African traditions and Christianity inspired religious songs; work songs eased the burden of hard labor and helped slaves synchronize group tasks, encouraged slaves during long hours of physical toil; it kept their spirit up and could work harder and longer. Recreational songs mostly were played on string instruments; in their free time slaves listened and danced to the music. This report makes a conclusion that American slave culture flourished over three centuries. On one hand, their hard work built the economic foundation of the country; on the other hand, they faced whippings, beatings, executions, and rapes. Even in this atmosphere, slaves developed their own culture, which was based on a variety of African tribal customs; story telling and enthusiastic group worship. In the American society, they were prevented from reading and writing. So they did not have a mode of communication. They compensated it by embracing a different form of communication; music, the concept that they brought from their homeland. Thus, music became a vital part of the American slave culture. It bolstered their spirits, gave hope, and strength in their daily lives that mainly consisted of hardship. Eventually, their songs became descriptive that provided them with directions on how to escape to freedom.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Satellite Centers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Satellite Centers - Essay Example The initial paragraph of the agreement states, â€Å"This Satellite Center will be responsible for establishing a knowledge of and capacity for initiating and supporting accelerated schools for at-risk students in its local school district and to spread this capacity to schools in districts in surrounding areas. The Stanford staff will work with the Satellite Centers to build this capacity and all activities will be geared to that end† (Satellite Center Agreement, 1990). The Satellite Center approaches to Accelerated Schools for a number of reasons. Prominent among these was the desire to get leverage by establishing local capacity and advocacy that would be far more effective with school systems in a specific locality than would be a program operating out of a single national site, We also wanted to try to provide the conditions and incentives for teacher and administrator training programs to transform their activities in conjunction with the hands-on transformation of the schools they would be working with. The Satellite Center Project has a number of objectives (Satellite Center Agreement, 1990) which may be grouped together into three major goals. The first goal of the project is for the Satellite Centers to become the focus for Accelerated Schools training, evaluation and facilitation in their geographic area. They win serve as a vehicle for implementation for many different educational entities desiring to participate in the Accelerated Schools Project. They are expected to provide a forum for the promotion and understanding of accelerated schools through the sponsorship of and participation in conferences and the production of and contribution to publications. Accordingly, Satellite Centers are also expected to revise their teacher education programs to include the Accelerated Schools principles and processes in the curriculum in meaningful ways and to place student observers,

Monday, September 9, 2019

Patriot act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Patriot act - Essay Example While supporters of the law claims that the law is meant to aid the investigations and arrests of terrorists, its opponents argue that although the law was meant to improve security in the US, it has bestowed the government with too much power that threatens the civil rights and puts democracy at trial. The first account that faces the controversy of the Act involves they way in which the law was passed. The law was passed very quickly, barely one month after the September 11th terror attack. The deliberation of the provision of the act was done in less than 48 hours. This brings in the issue of whether the law was well discussed and evaluated before being passed by the congress. For any Act to be passed into law there is a need to have a comprehensive review of its impact and implication. The law has to be in line with other laws taking consideration of the possibility of contradicting other laws. For instance, the law gives powers to homeland security in regard to surveillance and search and seizure in its operations. However, this tends to contradict several civil liberties enjoyed in the country and which are guaranteed by the constitution. For instance, although the Patriotic Act allows the law enforcement the power to surveillance, search and seizure, the law seems to undermine the right to privacy. Although the constitution does not spell out on the issue of privacy, many Supreme Court decisions have supported the right to privacy. In addition, the power to invade ones premise to search without notification is seen as violation of people’s right to privacy (Greenwald, 2006). In another dimension, the law has also been viewed as an avenue to achieve other hidden agendas by the law enforcement agencies. For instance, instead of the law enforces invading suspects’ homes just for the search of terrorism activities, the law enforcers can take advantage and use the law to achieve their own personal goals. Additionally, it has been argued that the law

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Business model for taskrabbit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Business model for taskrabbit - Essay Example de lawn mowers, carpet cleaners, baby sitters, nannies, window cleaners, and people to help unpack, fetch groceries, and pick you from the airport among many others. TaskRabbit is a perfect example of an e-commerce business. Its function in the society, as insisted by its founder is to help save time for people, get errands done and create cheap labor (Leber, 2013). A business model refers to activities planned and designed by a business in order to maximize on their profits. It includes how the business functions and its components, the revenues and the expenses (Currie, 2004). An ecommerce business model allows business people to utilize the unique and special qualities of the web. Some of these special qualities include real time, time sharing, traffic and value flows, universal access, the ease of use of the web and searching capabilities. These unique qualities are what drive many people to adopt the use of the internet and the web in their business. Castellano, (2013) confirms that there are many different business models, and each business selects the one that best befits. The e-commerce business models are categorized into B2B, B2C or C2C. Each of these three business models has its own unique characteristics, and this is the reason why one model might work for one company and not for the other. For the TaskRabbit Company, it employs B2 C model. B2C means that the business models here are customer oriented, and they deal with the customer either directly or indirectly. Their products and services are made having customer satisfaction in mind. B2B means that it’s a business and another business who are involved in the transactions. C2C simply means that its two customers who are the main agents in the transactions (Currie, 2004). The TaskRabbit Company, in the B2C business model operates as transaction and market provider level. This is because it handles and takes care of customers online transactions by creating and helping fix people in job