Saturday, September 21, 2019

The conduct and preparation of lessons Essay Example for Free

The conduct and preparation of lessons Essay Read the previous chapter and the chapter you’re on. If short on time, read only the first and last paragraph Write questions down about the subtitles. Ask them to the teacher if they aren’t answered during the lesson Examine images carefully Write down new words and concepts Try to make a connection to the previous lesson During class On each page of notes leave a space on top (for a summary) and a side bar to add an outline later Copy every sample-problem, with all the intermediate steps Note: bog ideas/concepts, images and legends and all that is repeated Do not worry about presentation, just keep your notes minimalist even if it takes up more paper Ask questions After class Fill â€Å"empty spots† in your notes and clear up doubts asap Use your personal system of processing info to organize it (do you like flashcards, plain notes?) Try to connect new info with previous knowledge Write down the summary Think what the purpose of this lesson was: which principles were applied and to which problems? Add the outline to your notes Think up aditional questions Try to get a head start on your homework Read again the chapter in study and do it actively (underline, ask questions and shit) and relate it to your homework Study Before getting started make sure you have all you need The hours you have pre-designated for study must be sacred! (video games and outing with friends should be re-scheduled to your free time) Learn things ONCE by asking the question â€Å"why?† repeatedly until you truly understand shit No multitasking with music or TV (do what works best for you but I work best in complete silence of lyric-less upbeat music in a low volume) Organize knowledge in webs where concepts connect instead of boxes where they are by creating connections with pictures and examples. If needed, force it with a stupid metaphor Do not â€Å"go study†: have specific tasks you want to accomplish like solving a list of 5 problems or reading one chapter. Put a deadline on it too Pay attention to the environment before you start: is it right? Examine furniture, supplies and noise. You can’t concentrate right in a wobbly chair Work over the same content in different ways: read, rewrite, summarize Rewrite your notes in small sets for easy reviewing Study in small chunks of time with breaks (pomodoro?) When in break, get up, move and be social Make mini-guides with the answers to all the questions about a certain subject. It makes for easy reviewing Make a formula guide/sheet for each course  At the end of each study session: review, ask stuff, read, read aloud, test yourself about it Or just read, rewrite and read what you wrote  Verify your dominion over a theoretical fact by stating it, explaining why and connecting it with other ideas. List a typical problem featuring it and how it helps solve it Break it down in simpler and simpler terms until you can explain to someone who doesn’t know shit about it like an arts major or something Keep in mind the forgetting curve and schedule review sessions  accordingly. Repeat each content the day itself, the following day, week and month. This means each day you should review stuff you were taught yesterday, last week and last month Assignments Make a list of goals Plan how you’ll get to them Reverse engineer your dates, use something like Ask the teacher to clarify any question about the assignment asap Gather all the info you can  Research it  Organize all the info you have into chapters or themes before you begin Write in two phases: free writing with no edit and careful editing, leaving at least 24h between stages Deliver a good looking version to the teacher, even if you need to rewrite it Look for feedback before the deadline if possible Presentations Include slides for presentation, outline, a section title and a summary in the end Keep the slides tidy and simple  Talk to the audience, don’t read Keep eye contact, ask for questions Reading When reading take notes, make small summaries, ask questions Make yourself a mini quiz and answer it at the end of each chapter Problems  Start the resolution of a problem asap  Read the instructions twice, the whole thing  Reduce it as much as possible  What it the principle they want you to apply?  What do you need to find? Name them  What to I have? List given data and formulae  Make a scheme, legend it, name all variables, given data, units used and whatnot If you can’t go on on your own, reread the relevant chapter first and your notes on it too Try by yourself first before asking for help from a teacher or older student Start with the easy tasks On a difficult problem, do all you can. When stuck, try to identify why. If you still don’t know how to unstuck yourself after a break, ask for help Verify if your solution is plausible Verify your resolution, solution and units  Later on, remake by yourself every problem you needed help with Practice with real problems as much as possible At the teacher’s office Go remove doubts you have Make specific questions Verify your progress Bring supplies This isn’t a class! Ask for feedback about your self-made tests At home Before going to sleep, review your day (study and self-evaluation) Plan tomorrow with tasks and times, be attentive to priorities and energy levels Pick your clothes for tomorrow  Verify your calendar for important stuff coming up  Keep a to-do list  Establish a cutoff hour for work after which you are no longer productive. For me it’s 22 or 10pm Keep your shit mostly organized so you can find whatever you need easily Before tests/exams (madness week) Start early, 2 weeks early if needed Make a set of compressed notes, using your mini-guides and notes Check your progress Ask for help now if you need it Review your homework problems (remake them?) Make a list of themes you need to study Make sure of what you can do in the available time: be equal parts realistic and ambitious Solve previous exams, make your own and solve them Ask the teacher for help with your sample tests Solve more problems Give all the subjects a â€Å"once over† before there’s only a week to the exam. Then you can ask for help before everyone else is too. Diversify your study,  all disciplines/courses each day for the same reason Define the exam: how long it lasts, what do you need to bring, how much it’s worth to your grade, content being evaluated, place The night before: quick review of related content, make your backpack including a snack and water, go to bed early and avoid sugar During tests/exams Bring 2 pencils and pens Avoid caffeine Get there 15 min early  Hear the instructions given verbally very carefully  Write down your name and read the whole thing (twice) before starting Start with the easy ones  Show all your work, no step is too small  Schedule  Keep your self in the loop by scheduling reading in your downtime. Include a magazine relevant to your field like a science journal Leave extra hours to fill when an urgent assignment comes up or an exam, and extra hours for fun too! Check if the time you are dedicating to academia is enough for your success Block off mandatory study time for each course per week. Use it to study, do homework and generally keep up with the program Include at least two extra catching up hours in the week. If you’ve been good with the rest, it will mostly be free time but use it to finish last details on an assignment or something Evaluate the value that extra-curricular bring to your life compared to how much time they take up Schedule a weekly hour as a review time: review your previous week and plan the next, paying attention to deadlines Work daily: at least 9 to 5 like a real job. This should make sure every night is free and with no pending work Motivation Studying is not a race, it’s more like a stretch before one Success is a skill Stick to the plan Make checklists to stick to the plan Don’t aim to outshine the brightest (yet), outshine the average student Work until your idols are rivals When in downtime think which the best use of your time is. Learn something Goals aren’t easy but they shouldn’t be either You may regret it along the way but don’t complain: boot camp is hard Don’t fight the system: learn it and make it work for you Dont be a problem Respect your leaders Respect is earned, slowly, keep your cool Fear motivates, panic paralyzes. Don’t panic Do not wait for inspiration. Take responsibility and act Make goals clear, simple and ambitious Answer the three magical questions: what to I want? What will I do to get it? What am I willing to give up? You’re in control, always Do small tasks to earn motivation Personal Gain energy without caffeine: bright light, movement, music Connect with people: share info that interests THEM, ask that to other people (maybe even introduce them), offer help, don’t ask for anything yet Later: share more info to their interest (or even to their family), introduce two contacts of yours, invite them to interesting FREE event Avoid heavy foods and studying around lunch (zzz) Try themed weeks in your down time to research and learn about stuff that interests you like photography or survival tricks On vacation Review goals Start projects Enjoy rest Keep your mind in shape (read) Study something you like/love Get ready for the â€Å"next round†

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