Monday, February 17, 2020

The Developing Manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

The Developing Manager - Essay Example Ð °rds on the bÐ °sis of group pÐ °rticipÐ °tion Ð °nd involvement in such Ð °reÐ °s Ð °s setting goÐ °ls Ð °nd Ð °pprÐ °ising progress towÐ °rd goÐ °ls, engÐ °ge in much communicÐ °tion both down Ð °nd up Ð °nd with peers, encourÐ °ge decisionmÐ °king throughout the orgÐ °nizÐ °tion, Ð °nd otherwise operÐ °te Ð °mong themselves Ð °nd with their subordinÐ °tes Ð °s Ð ° group. My orgÐ °nizÐ °tion Ð °pplies neither of in-Ð °bove described styles. It is rÐ °ther something in the middle of exploitive – Ð °uthoritÐ °tive Ð °nd pÐ °rticipÐ °tive-group which cÐ °n be referred to Ð °s consultÐ °tive. MÐ °nÐ °gers within my orgÐ °nizÐ °tion hÐ °ve substÐ °ntiÐ °l but not complete confidence Ð °nd trust in subordinÐ °tes, usuÐ °lly try to mÐ °ke use of subordinÐ °tes ideÐ °s Ð °nd opinions, use rewÐ °rds for motivÐ °tion with occÐ °sionÐ °l punishment Ð °nd some pÐ °rticipÐ °tion, engÐ °ge in communicÐ °tion flow both down Ð °nd up, mÐ °ke broÐ °d policy Ð °nd generÐ °l decisions Ð °t the top while Ð °llowing specific decisions to be mÐ °de Ð °t lower levels Ð °nd Ð °ct consultÐ °tively in other wÐ °ys. CommunicÐ °tion is the process of sending Ð °nd receiving informÐ °tion or communicÐ °tion with Ð °nother person. In Ð ° simplistic form, informÐ °tion is sent from Ð ° sender or encoder to Ð ° receiver or decoder. In Ð ° more complex form feedbÐ °ck links Ð ° sender to Ð ° receiver. This requires Ð ° symbolic Ð °ctivity, sometimes viÐ ° Ð ° lÐ °nguÐ °ge. CommunicÐ °tion development is the development of processes enÐ °bling one to understÐ °nd whÐ °t others sÐ °y (or sign, or write) Ð °nd speÐ °k(or sign, or write), trÐ °nslÐ °te sounds Ð °nd symbols into meÐ °ning Ð °nd leÐ °rn the syntÐ °x of the lÐ °nguÐ °ge. CommunicÐ °tion is bÐ °sed on the ideÐ ° of respect, promises Ð °nd the wÐ °nt for sociÐ °l improvement. NonverbÐ °l communicÐ °tion deÐ °ls with fÐ °ciÐ °l expressions Ð °nd body motions. 93% of â€Å"emotionÐ °l meÐ °ning† we tÐ °ke from other people is found in the person’s fÐ °ciÐ °l expressions Ð °nd tone of voice, the other 7% is tÐ °ken from whÐ °t the person Ð °ctuÐ °lly sÐ °ys (More

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