Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cheating What Are Its Effects Essay Example For Students

Cheating What Are Its Effects? Essay Cheating There are many problems in the world everywhere we go. Businesses, school, homes. There is a big problem in schools, especially high school. Cheating is a big problem for teachers and a headache to have to watch out for. Teens have figures that it is okay to cheat because everyone does it. Dishonesty has become a big factor in today society, and this effects everyone in some way. Cheating effects everyone in some way. Cheating occurs everyday, in every school. Cheating occurs even in the nicest schools, including private schools. This usually occurs when someone does not study for a test or just does not feel like thinking. Also, one might do it because he knows he can get away with it. Cheating widely effects others also. Excepting cheating only sends a negative massage to everyone. We are saying that teachers don’t care, and you can get away with it. It shows how low out society has stooped to just get a grade. No matter what the motivation to cheat, the bottom line is that it is wrong. But today, so many do it, teachers have to watch even more carefully, and trust is broken forever. Trust is broken between everyone. In conclusion, we have faced the problem of cheating. We know it is there. But now the question is: What shall we do about it? That is hard because there are so many dishonest people who do not care in this world. For now, all we can do it tighten down on cheaters. And just don’t let them cheat. If everyone would guard themselves against cheaters, they might give up. Of course that means we can’t cheat off of others. We need to build back up our trust of people, because without trust our world will crumbleMythology Essays

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