Saturday, July 20, 2019

Eating Disorders :: Anorexia Nervosa

Most people can hardly feel hunger nowadays, and food has very different meaning depends on people. For some people, food will be as an act of nurture, food as memory, and happiness but for other people food will be food as guilty, as sin, and ban. In present time, although their weight is normal, women keep trying to lose their weight, because they want to show thin. And also long time ago, women did not think about their weight, but in present time’s women want to lose their weight. Women need to rethink about losing their weight, because when women cook in kitchen it is the most beautiful looks. Most women think about diet 365days, although she is thin and skinny women. This is nowadays women looks. However I can understand the thinking of present women, because I am a woman. I know food is good, and food always give to happiness and memory, but women could not eat their fill, because they do not want to shock next day. It is responsible for developing of mass media, if media does not develop then, we do not know standard of women, whether is skinny or not. However, mass media has been developed, we cannot stop the diet. When you see a television, all actresses are thin and beautiful. When you buy clothes, there is more choice of buying for clothes, when you are thin. That is why women decide to diet, because all of women’s wish become a thin and skinny girl, and buy clothes whatever they want to. Unfortunately, some people get disease which called eating disorder. From the Wikipedia, the definition of ‘eating disorder’ is a compulsion to eat, or avoid eating, that negatively affects both one's physical and mental health (Wikipedia). Too many people who work in modeling, get this disease, because a model is wearing the designer’s clothes and show the people how look like, so model and designer believe that thin model can show clothes well. Therefore many numbers of designers prefer thin model. However, several models were died from low weight. Therefore, the accusation of modeling said that designer cannot work with low weight of models, but still designers look for skinny model. There is important point as well. One of article shows the data which came from National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Association of Disorders, ‘there are many teenager have disorder.

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