Friday, July 19, 2019

Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein Essays -- essays research papers

Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein Responsibility is the key to experimentation, those lacking the maturity fail. In Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein experiments in creating life. However creating a monster, the reader finds out that Victor is not mature enough to handle the responsibility of his actions. Even though Victor Frankenstein is the creator/father of the monster, he has characteristics of a child and the monster has the maturity of an adult. When Henry Clerval arrives at Frankenstein’s door after his experimenting, he experiences Victor’s child-like actions. As Victor explains, â€Å"I was unable to remain for a single instant in the same place; I jumped over the chairs, clapped my hands, and laughed aloud.†(36) This shows the sheer giddiness of Victor after being isolated from friends and family for months working on his experiments. Victor was immature when handling the isolation so he bottled up emotions which were let loose when the sight of his friend arrived. Frankenstein even mentions that his actions are child-like when he enters his home. â€Å"I threw the door open forcibly, as children are accustomed to do when they expect a spectre to stand in waiting for them on the other side.†(37) Like a child does, victor could not control his feelings and thus acted out in an irregular manner for an adult. After Frankenstein creates the monster, his actions, also became that of a scared child. â€Å"One hand was stretched out, seemingly to detain me, but I escaped, ...

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