Monday, August 12, 2019

Film Report Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5

Film Report - Movie Review Example As the movie progresses, he encounters different people who will aid in uncovering the core theme of the movie that running is an act of courage and strength. The movie explains that the act of running away from something or someone cannot be totally attributed to cowardice. Often times, running, as depicted in the film, is a person’s ability to move towards the future and to his or her dreams and destiny. The theme was first seen when forest, with braces on his legs, was able to run away from the bullies. The theme was emphasized with the help of Gump’s leg braces that broke apart as he ran fast away from the bullies. 2) What were the choices made by the main characters and what were the consequences of those choices? Forrest Gump’s choice to sit beside Jenny on the first day of school is considered as the start of the whole story. After which, when Gump listened to Jenny when she told him to run away from the bullies was the first decision Gump made that allowe d the core theme of the story to unfold. Also, the time Gump befriended and believed on Jenny became his soul aspiration to learn his destiny. As Gump decided to go to the war in Vietnam, he also made a decision to save his fellow soldiers. This decision brought him to fame, but Lieutenant Dan hated him for saving his life. As the story unfolds, Gump and Lieutenant Dan became good friends and successfully established their shrimp business. Meanwhile, Jenny slowly ruined her life as she started to get on drugs and dated different men. Nonetheless, she decided to go home to Gump, and this had brought joy to Gump. However, Jenny left him again, which caused Gump to run across the country for three years. When Jenny heard of him, she decided to write him a letter, and the two got back together and married, along with their son Gump. 3) What three or four sequences are most important in the film? Why? The first important scene in the movie was when Forrest Gump sat beside Jenny on the sc hool bus on their first day to school. This scene is the outset of the story of the life of Gump. It is also considered as an important event because, after this event, Jenny will play the most important inspiration to the life of Forrest Gump. The second vital scene was when Gump decides to join the war in Vietnam where he becomes friends with Benjamin Buford â€Å"Bubba† Blue from whom he learns the shrimping business. This was also the time when he meets Lieutenant Dan and become business partners, and also whom he considers as his best friend. The third essential scene in the movie is the time Jenny comes home to Gump, and this will be the time when Jenny becomes impregnated by Gump, but she leaves him. Lastly, the most crucial part of the movie was when Jenny acknowledges that Gump is the father of his son and the two of them got married. 4) Did the ?lm surprise you with anything unusual in its story, style, technique, or implications? The thing that struck me the most w as the tolerance of Forrest Gump in waiting for Jenny to come home to him. He never looked at or wanted any other woman aside from Jenny, which is very much unusual in a typical movie. Also, the manner the story unfolds which is presented in a first person was a unique style and added more drama to the movie. It allows the movie to be more dramatic and realistic as Gump tells his story to other people while waiting for the bus. Also, along the narration of Gump, it is inevitable to acknowledge the presence of many

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