Monday, August 26, 2019

Sociodrama Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Sociodrama - Essay Example The sharing is a time to begin to process and integrate what has taken place moments before in action. (Sternberg and Garcia, 2000). There are various techniques in sociodrama. Sculpting refers to the phase when the director physically places individuals to show how they are perceived to relate. For example, arm in arm, back to back and a stiff pose with a pointed finger. The director lets the people holding the roles begin to speak. Participants can also be taken out of the sculpt and allowed to view it. By stepping out of the sociodrama, the person has some time to reflect on it and perhaps make some changes to the sculpt. (Eckloff, 2006). Doubling is where one group member puts him/herself beside a person in a role and gives voice to that person's unspoken thoughts and feelings. The more a doubler faithfully imitates the posture and actions of the person they are doubling, the more effective it is. It can be used to show that there is something else the character could say rather than just thinking it. Voices is really another form of doubling. Voices can encompass various roles: the women's movement, church, sanctity of the family, government, woman not wanting children, and historical facts. Role reversal is another technique. With role reversal one person moves out of one role and into another. Reversal is utilized in a confrontational scene where it is helpful for one person to understand a situation if he tackles it from another perspective. Soliloquy is another technique. The director stops the action to gives a person space and time to say what is going on inside him/her. This helps the individual explore the role in a way the scene does not allow.Sociodrama has an ending. It begins with a scene, moves to broader issues, then returns with fresh insights. There is time for sharing at the end of the scene. People may share what they have learned from playing different roles. Other volunteers describe what it was like for them and the emotional release which they may have felt. Group members may share what they have learned about the group theme, topic and the thematic issue explored Sociodrama in Theatre Sociodrama can by its unique methods, give back to theatre, helping it to renew itself spontaneously and creatively. Sociodrama may not have theatrical expertise as its aim, but it can be used successfully in preparing for a variety of theatrical endeavors. There are three types of theatre experiences that are relevant to sociodrama: Theatre Arts, Theatre Arts Education, and Theatre-in-Education (TIE). Theatre arts education covers the entire spectrum of theatre aesthetics, focusing on training for actors, directors, and writers. It also involves training students to execute all other facets of theatrical production--for example, scenic design, costume design, stage management. These programs focus on stress professional training, preparing students for jobs in the theatre. This type of training is practical and specific and new programs dwell on the development of the artistic qualities in the student as an integral person. Sociodrama in Education Gordon Vallins founded the Theatre in Education in England, in the 1960s. His vision was to dramatize non-theatre curriculum programs to improve and upgrade

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