Thursday, October 31, 2019

Chapter 11 Review Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Chapter 11 Review Questions - Essay Example An organization needs to understand both internal and external environment. Thereafter, find the best strategy that suits the specific environment, implement the strategy and afterwards evaluate the outcome, as Henry Mintzberg, (1988) explains. Strategic vision of an association according to Bain and Company provides a an optimal state desires of a company over time. It provides the guidelines on what the company is planning to achieve in five to ten years. On the other hand, the mission statement provides the current focus and reason for existence of a company,. Strategic management process provides a platform for managing organizational change. Each day, through research and development, companies makes new changes in performance, staffing etc. and its therefore relevant to have the strategic management process which will help in understanding the workforce, evaluation the right strategies to put across and how to implement. This monitoring therefore helps to adapt to various changes that come across. Leaders plays important role in any organizational change implementation. To have a successful change implementation, leadership ensure that every needed tool for the implementation is availed at the right time, Philips et al.(1983).. Leadership plays an oversight role in ensuring every department tasked performs their tasks accordingly. According to Kotter’s eight stage model of planned change, the company has to create urgency of what it needs to perform. Through formation of a coalition, the company needs to convince people on the need for change. Having a bigger vision over the planned change is important for the change to be effected since people will know the need for doing something. After identifying the change, the company has to communicate the vision and remove any obstacle that may prevent change implementation. Furthermore, the company needs to have a build-up of the change while short

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Alpen bank. SWOT Analysis Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Alpen bank. SWOT Analysis - Case Study Example The organization has hesitated to launch its credit card services because of poor infrastructure, population inexperience and low per capita income level of the Romanians. However, they have launched this credit card service and able to win the trust of customers. In the year 2000, the organization has entered in the European market. The objective of the study is to form an effective marketing strategy in order to clear cut the positioning strategy considering the credit card industry. A strategic SWOT analysis has been implemented below for Alpen. Strengths Alpen bank is one of the leading banking organizations in Romania. The bank is popular within the country due to the effective customer service and several differentiated customer service. Due to its quality customer service the organization has able to create positive brand awareness in Romania. As it is discussed earlier, premium banking services have increased the core competencies and reputation of the brand name in the Roman ian market. Weaknesses Lower customer base is the biggest weakness of this brand. The organization has implemented credit card service facilities for its clients in Romania. The concept of the credit card was not familiar with the people of Romania. The organization has hesitated to enter in this credit card service business due to the effect of recession, low per capita income of people and inexperience of the people about the credit card services. Lack of awareness and low customer base is the significant weakness of the organization. Opportunities Now the potential opportunities for the credit card service of Alpen bank can be determined by evaluating the effects of following six important environmental factors to the company. Political: The organization has tried to enter in the European Union market to increase its international client base. The credit card industry is comprised of four key parties, such as Merchant acquirers, Merchants, Card Issuers and Network & Associations. However, the banking sector in Romania is least affected comparing to the other developed countries. Strict governmental regulations and ethical policy implementation has helped the organization to win the trust of the consumers. The support of several political parties and government can increase the core competency of the organization. Economical: The organization is overcoming the challenges of previous recession. The economy of Romania has able to overcome some effects of recession. The disposable income of middle class people is increasing significantly. Initially in the year 2006, the organization was trying to enter in the EU region due to the economic advantages of these areas. However, the organization had tried to target the premium customers due to the unfavorable economic condition. The high disposable income of the people of high income level will help the organization to generate high revenue. Social: The people of Romania were not that much aware about the credit car d services. Therefore, it is necessary for the organization to create social awareness about the credit card service. It is a potential opportunity for the organization to increase its market share in Romania. The organization should concentrate on the untapped market. Moreover, changing life style and improved literacy rate will help the organization to create a huge customer base within the country. Technological: Technology is a necessary aspect for the growth of this industry. This credit card facility will encourage the people of modern society. Effective and advanced telecommunication facility, computer technology and developed terminals will help the customers to operate the credit cards comfortably. Environmental: The service sector has able to hold high growth rate comparing to the

Sunday, October 27, 2019

A Web Based Meeting Scheduler Information Technology Essay

A Web Based Meeting Scheduler Information Technology Essay The web based meeting scheduler (WMS) is a user friendly tool developed to assists humans in office environments to schedule meetings efficiently. The algorithm used in the distributed meeting scheduler paves way for negotiation of various processes on behalf of their users and comes up with an agreement on a common meeting time that is acceptable to all the users and abides by all the constraints set by the hosts and attendees. The motive of the algorithm is to obtain a solution based on the knowledge it acquires during the process. In summary the Web-based Meeting Scheduler follows a decision oriented methodology that depends on knowledge based approach. The purpose of WMS is to support the organization of meetings and to determine for each meeting request, a meeting date and location so that most of the intended participants shall effectively participate. The principal users of this system are the Meeting Initiator and Meeting Attendees/Participants. Each user is going to have their own login IDs and passwords. It is the responsibility of the meeting initiator to schedule the meeting based on the availability of the attendees along with the constraints expressed by the attendees/participants. The meeting scheduler system shall have the ability to handler several meeting requests in parallel and resolve conflicts. The key functionalities of this system are: Schedule or plan meetings, re-planning of meetings to support changing user constraints, support conflict resolution, keep participants informed of the meeting schedules and any changes, and to cancel meetings. Problem Context Despite the advances in technology, scheduling a meeting is not as simple as it looks. There is a lot of judgment involved. Anytime you bring together a group of people, there are many factors to consider. You have to consider pecking order. Some members of the group are more important, so others must change their schedules to accommodate. But with the right system, meeting scheduling can be quick, easy and super efficient. Therefore, a web-based system meeting scheduler system will be developed to allow individuals or organizations to easily, efficiently, and precisely schedule meetings in accordance with practical limitations of virtual and real-world meetings. This project does on how the software system will try to achieve what it is intended to do, by describing requirements such as security, reliability, maintainability, usability and performance. Rationale Now that the problem has been identified, once implemented, the system could bring about significant tangible and intangible benefits. It is anticipated that the system could be the best solution to the existing problems that meeting planners or organizers encounter when running meetings. The following are the tangible and intangible benefits of the system: Meetings are vital for communication and management. Properly run meetings save time, increase motivation, productivity, and solve problems. Plan, run and follow up meetings properly, and they will repay the cost many times over because there is still no substitute for physical face-to-face meetings Description of Problem Area Holding meetings is an increasingly expensive activity, hence the need to run meetings well. Badly run meetings waste time, money, resources and are worse than having no meetings at all. The following are common problems that occur when scheduling a meeting: The meeting is scheduled and after everyone had been invited you discover that some important participants cant attend. Another date has to be found. This can lead to a cycle of invitations and revisions. A meeting is confirmed but then needs to be changed. A meeting location is specified and then later changed in a subsequent meeting notice. Some of the attendees follow the original meeting notice and end up in a wring room. Repeated meeting notices and revisions are sent out, so everyone is confused about the meeting. You use an internet based meeting scheduling system, but outside participants dont have the same software. A meeting is scheduled and confirmed, but the location is already booked. No one sends a meeting reminder, and several attendees forget about the meeting. People are invited to a meeting but the meeting organizer did not say what it is about, so they show up unprepared Nature of Challenge The hardest single part of building a software system is deciding precisely what to build. No other part of the conceptual work is as difficult as establishing the detail technical requirements, including the entire interface to people, to machines, and to other software systems. No part of the work so cripples the resulting system if done wrong. No other part is more difficult to rectify later.[Brooks, 1987] We consider the problem of determining suitable meeting times and locations for a group of participants wishing to schedule a meeting subject to already scheduled meetings possibly held at a number of different locations. Each participant must be able to reach the new meeting location, attend for the entire duration, and reach the next meeting on time. Major problem will be in deriving efficient algorithms for solving general meeting scheduling problems, to find approximate solutions, where appropriate implement the solutions and to integrate them into applications that allow users who are connected over a network to schedule meetings. Currently meeting scheduling systems take into consideration only time and not location or geometry. C. Brief description of project objectives. (i.e. scope of proposal and deliverables) Scope The scope of the project shall include scheduling meetings in an efficient way, gathering the feedback from attendees, cancelling the meeting, changing the schedule and/or location, scheduling concurrent meetings in timely manner, conducting virtual meeting, confirming the location and time of the meeting and last but not the least minimize users effort in coordinating and scheduling meetings. Core Modules This is the main functionality of my project. It has to do the following: Automate the meeting schedule process to enable efficient use of the time and efforts of meeting organizer. Select a date and time according to the availability of the participants. Allocate the location that is convenient to all the participants. Send reminders to the participants about the meeting and any schedule changes. Re-organize and modify the meeting schedule if required. Enhanced Features This are the additional features I plan to include in my project: Adding members of the meeting Administrator has privilege to edit users profile. Search for members of the meeting and see who is free and who is not, and who is coming for the meeting Generation of appropriate reports to show meeting attendees and the meeting agendas Attendees photos for verification incase of same information. Participants option for denying the invitation. User need to register. Special Features Based on my research and if I have the time and ability, these are the features I am going to attempt to implement: Make the system work on diverse platforms (Windows, Blackberry, iPhone and other Smartphone compatibility). Participants choice of getting reminder in pop-up window or mail. Facility to book conference bridge (conference bridge is a phone) and editing reserved bridge. Assumptions and Dependencies The following will be major assumptions of this project: Will ensure that I am available as needed to complete project tasks and objectives. Will abide by the guidelines identified within this plan. Project plan might change on new information revealed or issues encountered. Availability of participants for meetings and training. Constraints The project has the below three constraints: Time: time frame within which the project should be completed. Cost: cost of developing the system within the estimated budget. Quality: level of quality to be met as per the requirements of the users. D. Brief description of the resources needed by the proposal. (i.e. hardware, software, access to information / expertise, user involvement etc.) Hardware requirements A standard PC with minimum 40gig hard disk and 256MB RAM. A Smartphone. Software requirements The system shall be developed using n-tier architecture consisting of the presentation (web layer), business layer and Data Access layer. Integrated Development Environment : Netbeans IDE Development using Java 1.6, J2ee, Ajax, JavaScript Database Management : SQL server 2005 The web-based interface for the WMS shall run in the below internet browsers Internet Explorer 64.x and above Firefox Access to information or Expertise Mostly books are used as a source of information for this project. However websites and research paper also play a major role as a source of reference. User Involvement Knowledge and experience of people who have used the existing Web-based Meeting Schedulers is respected, valued and drawn upon to influence and shape the work of the proposed system. They would help to understand the requirements hence building a better system. These information can be gathered by using some research methods such as interviews, questionnaires or even case studies. E. Academic research being carried out and other information, techniques being learnt. (i.e. what are the names of books you are going to read / data sets you are going to use) The following are some of the books I am going to read in conjuction with the information gathered online as I will be doing this project: Dawson, C.W. (2009) Projects in Computing and Information Systems : A Student Guide Tudor, D.J. and Tudor I.J. (1999)Â  System Analysis and Design: A Comparison of Structured Methods, New Edition. Palgrave Macmillan Software Hughes, B. Cotterell, M. (3rd Ed)(2009) Software Project Management Sommerville, I. (6th Ed) (2000) Software Engineering by Ian Sommerville Philips, J. Project (3rd Ed) Management Professional Study Guide Hall, E. Johnson, J. (2002)Integrated Project Management Prentice Hall F. Brief description of the development plan for the proposed project. (i.e. which software methodology and why, the major areas of functions to be developed and the order in which developed) After reading and making researches, I strong-willed to do this project using Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC). It is a conceptual model used in project management that unlike other methodologies describes the stages involved in an information system development project, from an initial feasibility study through maintenance of the completed application. Although SDLC has different forms and models, it follows certain steps. These steps could have the same meaning in one methodology but they are treated in a different manner or could lead to something different. It is chosen because of its ability to cater for the project as a whole and part of it that involves an application that is going to be developed on the web. These following steps are for the project: Planning- Everything starts with a concept or with a question such as what do you want? being asked to certain people so as to know what they want and decide to create an answer. Design- Once planning is done; one can now design or create a rough plan regarding the software. Will decide on the initial specifics of the software to be created, decide what platform or programming language to use. Implementation- When the design and all the things that I need have been laid out, it is time to work on the plan and present it for approval. Testing- Two types of testing are going to be performed, one which will be the actual testing by users. Once the stage is completed the WMS will be tested by professionals in the field. Acceptance- When the software is released to be used by a certain company, acceptance means the software is implemented. Maintenance- When the software is implemented, it does not mean that the software is good as it is. Maintenance is included since there is absolutely no way that the software will be working perfectly. Disposal- When a software is outmoded, it is not just all deletion of files, affected files should be looked at and determine which file to protect and dispose. And the following are web development stages: Analysis, Initial design, Design approval, Web development, Prototype, Launching, and Maintenance. G. Brief description of the evaluation and test plan for the proposed project. (i.e. what is the success criteria and how will be evaluated implementation will be tested, indicate the estimated size of the demonstration/test database) Testing Testing refers to the process of exercising a product to identify differences between expected and actual behavior. It is the means by which the presence, quality or genuineness of anything is determined; a means of trial. The project will be successful it if manages to perform all the key functionalities. It will be tested by me and as I will be developing the system with both black-box and white-box testing methodologies while my supervisor will use White-box testing which provides a degree of sophistication that is not available with black-box testing as the tester is able to refer to and interact with the objects that comprise an application rather than only having access to the user interface to check if all the functionalities, deliverables and objectives are met. Evaluation Evaluation is a systematic determination of merit, worth and significance of something or someone using criteria against a set of standards. Without an evaluation process a product reaching consumers would be untried. It would reflect the intentions of its designer but there would be no study of the relationship between design and use. The two main types of evaluation, Formative and Summative evaluation are going to be used to evaluate Web based meeting scheduler that is going to be developed in this project. The Web-based Meeting Scheduler will have approximately 20 people in its database. They will be used for testing some of the functionalities of the system. For example if one person is invited to a meeting that clashes with another meeting that he or she has already been invited to, and the person showed that they will be attending it, an error message should be displayed to show that the person will not manage to attend that one. Or if meetings that should have the same attendees clash, an error message should be displayed also.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Privatization of Social Security Essay -- Social Security Privacy

The Privatization of Social Security Many people don’t understand how the Social Security system really works. There are no separate Social Security "accounts" set up for each taxpayer to which he contributes his Social Security "tax" each year. Many people believe these accounts exist, that the money they pay into their accounts grows each year until retirement, and when they retire they get back what they paid in with interest. This is not true. Most people are unaware of the fact that our current Social Security system is a "pay-as-you-go" program, which means that the revenue the federal government raises each tax year for Social Security benefits is paid out that same year to beneficiaries. Many economists believe that our Social Security system is in need of a major overhaul if today's workers are to receive future benefits. Thomas R. Saving, Director of the Private Enterprise Research Center at Texas A&M University says, "What is wrong is that the Social Security system was never set up to be a sound investment-based retirement system." Karl Borden, professor of financial economics at the University of Nebraska recently wrote, "Social Security is an unfunded pay-as-you-go system, fundamentally flawed and analogous in design to illegal pyramid schemes. Government accounting creates the illusion of a trust fund, but, in fact, excess receipts are spent immediately." Robert M. Ball, former commissioner of Social Security said, "Some of the trust fund money should be put into the stock market. I want to do it to get a better return for the Social Security system. Historically, long-term government bonds have had a real return, after inflation, of 2.3 percent a year, compared with 6.3 percent for stocks." Paul W. Boltz, economist for the T. Rowe Price mutual fund said, "When we examine the pending financial crisis of our Social Security system, we find, in effect, the characteristics of a government sponsored Ponzi-type scheme." Michael H. Cosgrove, of the Dallas-based newsletter, The Econoclast says, "People need to take the responsibility of investing their own funds for their retirement. The Social Security system assumes people can't make that decision and government can do it better. The result is a bankrupt Social Security System." These economists believe that by investing ... ...oss would have to be made up either by hiking taxes, increasing borrowing or drastically cutting benefits to current retirees. The present Social Security system faces a long-term shortfall of between 1 percent and 4 percent of total payroll, depending on your projections of future economic growth. But the existing pay-as-you-go system could be rendered solvent by a judicious combination of increasing the retirement age by two or three years and slightly raising taxes. Also there is the question of whether to privatize the whole system, or whether to add a second tier. We might keep the basic system but supplement it with self-directed IRA-like funds. The basic tier would be redistributive and pay-as-you-go. The supplementary layer would be private and based on individual contributions. A further question is who bears the risk when investments go sour. There is no such risk under the current system. The stock market looks like a great retirement vehicle in the 1990’s, but it wasn't so reliable in the 1970s and 1930s. The program was deliberately designed as a social guarantee of retirement income, not a system of government-mandated private savings.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Disconnection in the Midst of Connectivity

The revolutions in the area of information and communications technology have brought the world closer. Literally, the world has shrunk because people from Europe can readily communicate with people from Asia; a daughter in the United States can easily contact her parents in South America. The mobile phone networks, the chat rooms and instant messengers in the internet, together with e-mail have significantly lowered the cost of inter-continental communications and have literally transcended space and time.In addition to this revolution, there is also a great deal of developments in the technologies available to humans in doing their chores and conducting their businesses. Even the simplest task can be automated and would require only a touch of a button for it to function. Washing machines, refrigerators and all sorts of electronic gadgets and equipments have indeed made life easier. This is especially true in the case of developed countries where these technologies are readily avai lable.Life has no hassles and lifestyles have become as easy as pushing another button on the remote control of the television. In less developed countries, however, this is not the case. The tendency is for them to rely on traditional means of doing things and conducting their business. Most of these countries in Asia, Africa, and South America doe not have access to most of these new technologies. As a result, they still tend to use their own bodily strength in conducting their businesses and going about their daily lives.For example, in farming, people from less developed countries use their own muscles and animals to till the soil and harvest their agricultural products later on. On the other hand, those in the developed countries tend to use heavy machinery to conduct the same set of activities. Has the use of technology led people and society to become lazy, apathetic and disconnected to the rest of the world? What about individuality? Has it been enhanced or is it being chall enged by these new technologies? As the world is shaped by these technologies, will individualism be melted into a smorgasbord of collectivity?Connectivity, Individuality, and the â€Å"Global Village† Marshall Mcluhan (41a) declared that the world has become a â€Å"Global Village†. He said this statement back when the use of the internet is not yet as widespread as it is now. This global village will come about as humans become increasingly dependent on electronic media and other forms of electronic technologies. Through this â€Å"electronic interdependence, the visual culture created by the coming of the printing press and the publication of books, humans will come to use electronic media more and more.Through the increasing popularity and acceptance of electronic media and the culture it develops, a new age will come in which humans will develop a collective consciousness and identity and individualism will be integrated into this collective consciousness. McLuha n declared his thesis in the early 1960s, back when the Internet revolution has not yet started climbing its ascent. This is due to the utilization and because of the message propagated by media since according to him â€Å"the medium is the message† (McLuhan, 20b).He also gave warnings that this global village, if its citizens were not aware of the impact of media and its effects on them as persons, then terror, totalitarianism or anarchy will reign in this village. Technology is, in itself, free of normative standards. When it is used towards certain ends, then it becomes an important tool in shaping the concept of the individual about himself, the relationship of other people to him, and how he stands in relation to the society that he lives in.McLuhan assumed that print technology is the bastion of individualism and that if it were rendered in electronic format, its effects on individualism would also change. (McLuhan, 158a). How do these new technologies increase the con nectivity of people around the world? According to Alstyne and Brynjolfsson (4), the speed of the transmission of data and communications has become very quick. In addition, millions of people have access to them, thus increasing the connectivity between and among people all over the world.Although this is the case, the capacity of individuals in absorbing and interacting with so much information is limited. The creation of a more or less uniform social consciousness based on connectivity is simply impossible. There are around 33 million articles and web pages in the Internet in May 1996 according to AlaVista (Alstyne & Brynjolfsson, 4). Transcending the Nation: Emergence of New Imagined Communities Benedict Anderson (6) in his book that sought to describe the nation and why people were so attached to it described the nation as an imagined community.This community was conceived in the minds of people with powerful bonds and relationships that are usually defined by religion, race, o r language. Anderson traced the development of the nation as an imagined community and pointed out that the printing of books in the people’s vernacular and the industry of publication or â€Å"print-capitalism† is instrumental in the emergence of this imagined community. The result of the diffusion of this medium of communication is that people across geographical areas bound by common languages started to drew together and conceptualize themselves as members of a community, albeit an imagined one.It should also be remembered that during the period of the rise of nationalism, the divine right of monarchs to their thrones were being challenged. Later, colonized people were also revolting against their colonial masters in a bid for independence and autonomy. As such, the common struggles, common language, and other commonalities brought these people together through the print media (Anderson, 7). Although it could be surmised that the people in the nations described by Anderson were still individuals, they were bound by a collective consciousness that led to the development of the nation.From the explanation of Anderson regarding the role of print media in developing imagined communities; as well as the discourse of McLuhan regarding the effects of the changes in the print media, it can be concluded that print media and more recently, electronic media have a huge impact in creating a collective consciousness. The problem of today’s electronic media, especially the internet, is that the message is diverse and there is no single coherent message that is being promoted.Rather there is a hodgepodge of messages and millions of files, most of them are unrelated (Alstyne & Brynjolfsson, 5). Given the bulk and diversity of topics in the World Wide Web, Alstyne & Brynjolfsson (5) have argued that what is happening is that there is a â€Å"cyber-balkanization† and fragmentation of internet and technology users according to their interest. As s uch, there are various cliques and groupings of individuals that keep out others who do not share the same interest with them.On the other hand, Pack (16) conjectured that the television is very powerful in shaping the perceptions and understanding of people about the world. Since most of the people of the world are exposed to the television, the advertisements, the shows and even the news reports among others are instrumental in the development of new imagined communities based on interest. Communication and Disconnection As people learn to communicate better in the setting of information and other communication technologies, there is a tendency for people to lose their non-verbal and non-linguistic communication skills.Because of the large amount of time spent by individuals in communicating online or using various information and communication technologies, they spend less time interacting with others, and thus might lose other non-verbal communication skills. This will be a sign ificant loss for society if information and communication technologies hamper the traditional means of communication of individuals in the society. Conclusion Information and communication technologies, as most products of science and innovation, have contributed to an easier lifestyle.However, there are tradeoffs to this. The traditional means of communication are being undermined by the excessive use of these technologies. In addition, the internet, the television and similar technologies are giving rise to new kinds of imagined communities based on common interest and pursuit. These imagined communities, however, lack a single coherent message in comparison to the â€Å"print-capitalism† discourse of Anderson (7) that gave rise to nations as imagined communities.Instead, what is present are a lot of several seemingly disconnected messages that bind certain groups of people across geographies through the process of â€Å"cyber-balkanization† as described by Alstyne & Brynjolfsson (4). In certain aspects, there is also an empowerment of individuality in information technology, especially in the Web 2. 0 technologies that seek to give more preference to the way that individuals conduct their computing and extend their presence online (O’Reilly, n. p. ).In the ending of Big Brother (Orwell, n.p. ) the characters in the novel were subjected to extensive brainwashing through the media—visual, print and even coercion. The novel also showed the potent power of media in propagating a message, even a wrong one at that. Such a scenario, however, is unlikely to happen with the current information technologies available since there is no centralized group or person controlling these technologies. Technologies may have had negative effects on the communication skills of people yet individualism is here to stay.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Introduction Bert Coron

This is a research paper that analyzes the life and contributions of Bert Corona in his fight and life as a political activist. The research paper is to tackle keenly and step by step the life of this well composed man, a political activist, and above all a man who never at one point of his eighty-years never backed down, Corona acted as an eye-opener to many and has left a living legacy as an organizer of many workers unions in America. Introduction Bert Corona was born on the 29th day of May 1918 to Neo Corona his father and Margarita Escapite Salayandia his mother, his father was a commander in the Francisco villa during his birth.Berth during the whole of his life was recognized as American labor leaders and the civil rights activists. It is recorded that during his entire life his contributions were recognized in his work with very many major Latino organizations and as the founder of very many civil rights and labor organizations. In his career as he was reorganized as the old man and fought tirelessly for the rights of the immigrants. (http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m1295/is_8_65/ai_76697709)Bert Corona enrolled in a school at an early age, he had a very good command of English Which gave him n upper hand above some of his classmates, while in school, his experience with racism started here, this is when some of his fellow students were punished inhumanly by washing their mouths with soaps for speaking their own languages, but because of his command in English he was spared. When his mother heard of this she publicly objected to such treatments and took him from that school to a boarding school in. (Garcio, 1994)His activist life started early in life and the first one took place when he was in the fifth grade at Harvard boys school, this was when their history teacher always gave poor and wrong ides against the Mexican student in the Harvard school. The students organized a strike which made the teacher to apologize (Garcio, 1994). Immediately C orona cleared his primary school Corona Joined El Pasio High school where he was playing basketball , after clearing his high school he was lucky to get an athletic Scholarship to the University of southern Carolina.Here he was lucky to get a full time employment because of His experience in the drug store back at home and also because of the nature of the scholarship which allowed him to work. At the university Corona studied commercial law and met different people which made him to spring to blossom. It is at the work place- Brunswick Pharmaceutical Company where he got the real taste of labor and had his first attempt to organize and train workers on their rights. (Rosales , 2000) Brunswick Pharmaceutical Company employees were mostly Mexican American immigrants.The workers had not known or joined any union and because of this faced a lot of frustrations as low wages, long hours of work, poor working conditions and racism. When Corona joined this company with his good command in English, experience in the field and his activism nature he realized these problems and when Longshoremen's Union decided to recruit workers supported the recruitment of over 2500 workers and the same year led them to a strike to demand wage payment increase.After the farm workers strike which was organized by the Longshoremen's Union and facilitated by him the Union asked him to support in the organizing of the warehouse workers of which they started with Brunswick Company. ((Garcio, 1983) When the Company management realized that Corona wanted to organize a Union of for the warehouse workers who were getting half of the pay of warehouse workers in the food industry, the management fired him, this gave him a new dimension to life and he decided to abort his education at the expense of helping the Union.He abandoned hi college education when he was employed as a union organizer by Harry bridges of the Congress of industrial Organization. As an organizer in the packing department he learned to be very excellent this grew his fame (Rosales, 2000) Corona gained a lot of fame and commanded lot of influence among the Mexican America workers and the undocumented workers. This he gained because his numerous efforts to recruit and support Mexicans everywhere in the United States, this was being driven by his believe that every organization needs a good, strong and steady workers unions.He continued fighting for the rights and against the mistreatment of the people who ca me from Mexico without the permission of the United States government. By 1965, he became regional organizer for the National Association of Mexican Americans. He gained a reputation for being able to influence Mexican American citizens. Becoming a member of the Northern California Democratic Campaign Committee, Corona actively supported Democratic candidates for two decades (http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m1295/ )Bert Corona in his life was closely identified with the works of National Mexica n Brotherhood (Hermandad Mexicana Nacional,) , this is an organization which proved very much helpful to the immigrants, Hermandad Mexicana Nacional was focused in the organizing of the trade Unions, defending of Undocumented workers and providing social service to this same undocumented workers. Since there were very many undocumented workers who never wanted to protest against the infringement of their rights for fear of being deported.The organization gave them a base of argument and therefore sprung up to many parts including the Los Angeles. ( Rosales, 2000) The efforts and contributions of Bert Corona were well documented when he realized that most of the Mexican American workers did not know how the US law protected them he organized to them a good package on how the law protected them. He is also being remembered for his protest against some of the of the striker Immigrant laws, which wanted the employers to be responsible and liable for employing immigrants.(http://findarti cles. com/p/articles/mi_m1295/ ) Corona more than any other person, furthered the ideological struggle against the nativity and this he did during his public lectures and programs where he always preached the need of unity and oneness. One such was a meeting in which he had with students and the public where he launched the program to campaign against bills that would crack down on the hiring of illegal immigrants and to fight for humane immigration policies and practice.( http://www. ucpress. edu/books/pages/6201. php) Until his death in 2001, he was the chairman Hermandad Mexicana Nacional Los Angles Chapter and is more effort have been made towards the delivery of the Mexican American from their oppression state in the United States. He participated actively as an activist, union organizer and an educator. (http://www. ucpress. edu/books/pages/6201. php) Works Cited Francisco Arturo Rosales (2000) Testimonio: A Documentary History of theMexican American Struggle for Civil Rights: Arte Publico Press Garcio T. Mario (1994) Memories of Chicano The Life and narrative of Bert Corona. University of California Press Garcio T. Mario and Et al (1983). History Culture and Society: Chicano studies in the 1980 . Bilingual Press http://www. ucpress. edu/books/pages/6201. php Retrieved on the 16th July 2008 http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m1295/is_8_65/ai_76697709 Retrieved on the 16th July 2008.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Totalitarionism essays

Totalitarionism essays Over the years there have been many leaders. Three of the most known are Benito Mussolini, Josef Stalin, and Adolf Hitler. These three were dictators and had a totalitarian government. This essay will discuss their rise to power, public sentiment, and accomplishments. Also it will discuss their crimes and what kind of legacy they left. The three men came to power in almost the same way. Mussolini started a Fascist party and took power. Stalin was part of a Communist committee that ran the country after Lenin died. He used his friends in the committee to get him to power. After he became dictator he had all the people who got him to power killed. Hitler started the Nazi party, which is a Fascist group. With his influence he was voted to power. He too had the people who voted him to power killed. That was known as the Night of Long Knives. The public felt the same for Stalin and Hitler but Mussolini was different. Mussolini was a great public speaker. Whenever he spoke the crowds would cheer. In the beginning Mussolini was liked by the people but in the end the public ended up killing him and hanging him. The people loved Stalin. His people considered him a great man. They wept for him when he died of an aneurysm. The public followed Hitlers ideas and praised him. In the end he killed himself. Each of these leaders made different accomplishments for their country. Mussolini gave the people what they wanted to hear. He did not do a lot of good though. Stalin nationalized the industry and made it spread throughout the world. He ended the civil war. Hitler did a very good thing for his country. He got his country out of the great depression. This was a great accomplishment. He also strengthened the army. As with their accomplishments these leaders had committed many crimes. Mussolini had people killed and censored all of the news so it would not incrimina ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

30 Famous Food Quotes to Satiate Your Soul

30 Famous Food Quotes to Satiate Your Soul The fetish for food is like a secret affair you never want to reveal. You cant help salivating when you see the oh-so-delicious birthday cake, or the crisp fries, or even the melt-in-your-mouth lamb shanks. You may want to pretend that food does not affect you that much. But come on! Lets be honest here. Dont you wish you could eat all those yummy, to-die-for candies without putting an ounce of weight? What thought crosses your mind when you see a delicious slice of cheese? Most of us would think of how it would melt in our mouth. But only a true connoisseur of fine food, like Clifton Fadiman, could think of another viewpoint, Cheese- milks leap toward immortality. Clearly, food is an obsession with many. Binge on these other famous quotes about food.   Mark Twain: Sacred cows make the best hamburger.Alphonse Allais: Coffee is a beverage that puts one to sleep when not drank.Samuel Johnson: He who does not mind his belly will hardly will hardly mind anything else.Elizabeth Berry: Shipping is a terrible thing to do to vegetables. They probably get jet-lagged, just like people.President George Bush: I do not like broccoli. And I havent liked it since I was a little kid and my mother made me eat it. And Im President of the United States and Im not going to eat any more broccoli.George Bernard Shaw: There is no sincerer love than the love of food.Confucius: The way you cut your meat reflects the way you live.Spanish Proverb: The belly rules the mind.Socrates: Worthless people live only to eat and drink; people of worth eat and drink only to live.James Beard: A gourmet who thinks of calories is like a tart who looks at her watch.Mahatma Gandhi: To a man with an empty stomach, food is god.Arthur Pendenys: A good meal makes a man feel more charitable toward the whole world than any sermon. Harry Hopkins: Hunger is not debatable.Polish Proverb: Even were a cook to cook a fly, he would keep the breast for himself.Christopher Morley: No man is lonely while eating spaghetti- it requires so much attention.Philip W. Haberman: A gourmet is just a glutton with brains.Sir Robert Hutchinson: Vegetarianism is harmless enough, though it is apt to fill a man with wind and self-righteousness.H. S. Leigh: If you wish to grow thinner, diminish your dinner.Adelle Davis: Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.Alice May Brock: Tomatoes and oregano make it Italian; wine and tarragon make it French. Sour cream makes it Russian; lemon and cinnamon make it Greek. Soy sauce makes it Chinese; garlic makes it good.Anthelme Brillat-Savarin: Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.Eike von Repkow: He who comes first, eats first.Epictetus: Preach not to others what they should eat, but eat as becomes you, and be silent.Fran Lebowitz: Food is an impo rtant part of a balanced diet. Elsa Schiaparelli: A good cook is like a sorceress who dispenses happiness.French Proverb: A good meal ought to begin with hunger.Plutarch: It is a hard matter, my fellow citizens, to argue with the belly, since it has no ears.Latvian Proverb: A smiling face is half the meal.Polish Proverb: Fish, to taste right, must swim three times- in water, in butter, and in wine.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Cause and Effect Essay - Moving to a Large City Cause Effect Essays

Whoosh! That is the precise sound I heard as the crazed flock of travelers headed for the train terminal. My best friend, Stacy, and I were left disoriented and understandably confused once the crowd thinned. We were at Madison Square Garden at the train terminal awaiting our train back to the hotel; it was our first trip to New York City. As one may imagine, it was a fascinating and surreal voyage into extreme urban life. It was so enthralling and exciting that afterward I felt compelled to make a permanent trek to a large city. Due to my experiences in cities like Atlanta and New York, I have an increasing desire to live in a large city because of the various forms of entertainment, myriad of transportation, and the never-ending excitement typical of such a fast-paced lifestyle. My main reason for having such a strong urge to move to a city like New York is the variety of entertainment such a city offers, such as shopping, unique eateries, and shows like concerts and musicals. During my stay in New York, I was s...

Friday, October 18, 2019

Outline Reid v. Covert Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Outline Reid v. Covert - Case Study Example Most importantly, this case pits the Constitution of the Unites States against international treaties. In this case, Mrs. Clarice Covert killed her husband, a sergeant in the United States Air Force, at an airbase in England. At that time, she was living with her husband on the base. Despite her being a civilian, she was tried by a court-martial for murder under Article 118 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Mrs. Covert’s counsel attempted to plead temporary insanity on her behalf but she was sentenced to life imprisonment. The Air Force Board of Review, 16 CMR 465, affirmed the judgment but it was reversed by the Court of Military Appeals, 6 U.S.C.M.A 48, as it had suspected some prejudicial errors concerning the defense of insanity. Mrs. Covert was being held in England as she awaited her retrial by court-martial in the District of Columbia. After a writ of habeas corpus was petitioned by her counsel, the District court held that Mrs. Covert could not be tried b y court-martial and ordered to release her from custody. The case was then argued at last term and it was held that Mrs. Covert’s court-martial was constitutional. ... They discarded the fact that the Congress had actually never provided for such trials in the Constitution. If it is not in the Constitution, it is not a rule or law. The Articles III,  § 2 and the Fifth and Sixth Amendment are directly applicable to this case. Article III,  § 2 lay the rule that, â€Å"The Trial of all Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment, shall be by Jury, and such Trial shall be held in the State where the said Crimes shall have been committed; but when not committed within any State, the Trial shall be at such Place or Places as the Congress may by Law have directed.† This means that the trial, for a crime that is committed abroad (not within any State), must be held in such place where the Congress has directed. Since the inception of this section in the Constitution, it has always meant to be followed without any exception. The Fifth Amendment provides that, â€Å"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; . . .† The words â€Å"No person† are very important since they obliterate any exception for civilians. Although it is very clear that it excludes the soldiers and officers of the Armed forces, there is no inclusion of their dependents either. Their dependents are civilians and when the Fifth Amendments says â€Å"No Person† shall be deprived of the right to be tried in the civil court, it includes them. The Sixth Amendment declares that, â€Å"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and

Effectiveness of Business Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Effectiveness of Business Communication - Essay Example The essay "Effectiveness of Business Communication" paper aims to proffer pertinent issues relating to the analysis of business communication and the strategies to effectively communicate in teams by using the list of "Advantages and Disadvantages of Teams" that provides an example how teams have worked in one’s workplace. Communication is a process which aims to transfer and implement the meaning of symbols from one person, group or organization to another. According to Workplace Communication, â€Å"business communication is defined as the imparting or exchanging of information and the sharing of ideas or feelings. It entails the process of creating meaning†. The current paper aims to proffer pertinent issues relating to the analysis of business communication and the strategies to effectively communicate in teams. The manner by which individuals communicate in the work setting depends on various factors. Using the list of "Advantages and Disadvantages of Teams", the e xamples of how teams have worked effectively incorporated the common elements noted for a successful teamwork that included the following: increased knowledge and information; increased diversity of perspectives and views; increased tendencies to unanimously accept a proposed solution; and manifestation of higher levels of performance. In one’s work setting, for instance, it was clearly imminent and proven that the increased information and knowledge works well. A team has access to more data and share crucial information.

What are the consequences of WTO accession for Russia Dissertation

What are the consequences of WTO accession for Russia - Dissertation Example In 2006, Russia had crossed an important barrier in its route to accessing the membership of World Trade Organization (WTO), with the signing of the bilateral agreement with US, though the process for a full membership would take longer to be completely realised. Russia's gradual progress in the negotiations for acquiring the WTO membership, is a positive signal for the international community, as it reflects Russia’s willingness to have an open trade relations within the global commerce. In the negotiation rounds, Russia had agreed to decrease its import tariff on the industrial and agricultural products by 3 % points, in slow progression. It had also agreed to free the domestic service sector, with a certain amount of restriction. There is a general belief that WTO accession will bring about a positive influence on the economic development of Russia by improving economic efficiency, increasing market competition, and by increasing the flow of foreign direct investment (FDI) to Russia. However, on the other hand with the opening up of the Russian markets there are some fears on the survival of the domestic firms under increasing competition from the foreign corporations. The chief objective of this paper is to understand and analyse implications that Russia may have to contend with WTO accession. Based on a secondary and qualitative form of research that involves literature review and analysis of Russia’s economy, all implications of WTO accession will be discussed to support the conclusion that WTO membership may be beneficial for Russia in the end. 1 Introduction â€Å"Russia risks taking a back seat to new post-crisis rules of world trade if it doesn’t join the WTO.†1 1.1 Background history In 1993, Russia officially applied to the General Agreement on Trade and Tariff (GATT) for accession, and in 1995, the World Trade Organization (WTO), the organization that succeeded GATT, took up its application. However, during the initial years a complete lack of political will and a general initiative by the Russian government, which was new and yet to create any structural framework to regulate the socio-economic and political environment, soon made the Russian impetus to join the WTO, lose its steam.2 After the 1998 economic crisis, as the Russian rouble deval ued, with a subsequent failure to repay the nation’s debt, the government became more involved in trying to revive the economy, with very little focus on the subject of WTO accession and the necessary negotiations. Fresh impetus to the issue was derived when the Vladimir Putin after being elected as the President of Russia in 2000, declared WTO accession as one of his prime goals, during his tenure at office. Under his interest and will, fresh rounds of negotiations and discussions were initiated. The Russian President’s declaration created a political commitment of sorts that allowed Russia to take initiative and search for meaningful resolutions, on various contentious issues related to its WTO accession. In May 2001, Russia created a ‘Review of the Russian Trade Policies,’ a report that was seen as the Protocol for the Russian accession to WTO. By early 2002, the WTO’s Working Party on Russia’s accession reviewed the first draft of the rep ort. 3 At this time, this signified that Russia had almost entered the last phase of the accession process, where it was negotiating the terms and conditions pertaining to its entry into the WTO, and contemplating the implementation of the necessary legislative reforms. However, soon there were

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Comment each essay alone by itself Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Comment each alone by itself - Essay Example The section "benefits of knowing your cash position" does not clearly highlight the benefits. It only gives the three main areas of a cash flow statement. Although these areas do indirectly highlight the benefits of knowing your cash position, perhaps mentioning a few other benefits would have added further clarity. The following benefit, for instance, could have been added: Companies that know their cash position well are in a much better situation to provide their stakeholders with better information that they need to assess the financial well being of the company. This in turn maybe important when a company is trying to obtain a loan and needs to provide its cash position to the lender. Similarly, other stakeholders such as investors, stockholders, customers, etc. may also require this information. No example is mentioned when explaining the third area of the cash flow statement: Cash from financing activities. The Microsoft example should be extended to clarify this section of the cash flow statement as well. This essay does not completely explain how cash is the life blood of any business. The importance of cash and preparing cash flow statements has only been inadequately explained in the beginning. The word "life-blood" has not been emphasized. In other words, the writer has only explained how cash can aid businesses and help different forms of business better predict their cash needs and perform their tasks well. However, the writer has failed to illustrate that before helping businesses, more important is the fact that cash is a necessity- a source of survival for businesses and they not only need cash to help them do their tasks better but they need cash to survive-it's a "have cash or die" situation. I believe highlighting this point is essential considering the topic of this essay requires an explanation of how cash is the life blood of any business. The conclusion only mentions the importance of cash flow statements and not cash in general even though the tag line of the topic only mentions cash. There is no mention of cash flow statement in the tag line. Although cash flow statements ultimately boil down to the importance of cash, mentioning the importance of cash in general and not specifically cash flow statements would have been more appropriate.Essay 3 (Nadrah): Although the essay starts with a quotation, the writer directly jumps off to explaining cash flow statements. Perhaps explaining one or two lines about the importance of cash in general and cash being the life blood of any business would have been more appropriate. The essay mentions a very strong point: " all the three statements above, when integrated, are required to make and support interrelated financial decisions." This point has been explained and elaborated extremely well and could not have been done with any more perfection. There are some concepts that have not been explained too well. Consider, for instance, the concept of free cash flow hypothesis. The writer only states that "According to the free cash flow hypothesis, managers may choose to expand operations because their incentives are not aligned with firm value maximization." This explanation is not by itself

Security issues in Online games Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Security issues in Online games - Thesis Example The intention of this study are online games that have taken the world of computers by storm. Gaming remains one of the main drivers of computer technology. It has grown like wild fire over the last 10 years and online gaming can now be found in millions of households According to Microsoft gaming is the third most important source of revenue for them on their platform after web browsing and email checking. According to Price Water copper the video game industry earned $41.9billion in 2007 and the sales is expected to cross $68.3 billion by 2012. The online gaming industry’s contribution to these figures is approximately $6.6billion and is increasing day by day. Along with the growth of internet, online gaming as also increased and along with this increase there have been the host of issues mostly concerning problematic and pervasive computer security issues. Online gaming started off as mainly single player games but this trend has changed recently and the games of today invo lve multiple players at the same time. Online security games and especially massively multiplayer online role playing games (MMORPG) suffer from such security issues directly. Some of the examples of MMIRPG games which are extremely popular among the youth are world of War crafts, second life, Everest quest, EVE online e, Star Wars and Ultima online. As the number of players grows the games are faced with the issue of authentication and cheating. If either one of these fails the credibility or the business of the game are at stake. Online gaming provides an experience which games played by a single user or even by multiple users cannot provide. One of the most important aspects of online gaming is the fact that a player is able

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Issues in employee preformance essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Issues in employee preformance - Essay Example In a production oriented organization or manufacturing organization, the employees function like a chain. If any one link (employee) goes out of order or damaged in a chain (Organization), the strength and cohesion of the chain (Organization) will be lost. For example in a tire manufacturing unit, it is important that all the three divisions (mixing, building and curing) function properly in order to ensure 100% productivity. If the mixing people fail to deliver the processed rubber compound in time, green tire building will be affected whereas if the building people fail to complete their duties in time curing will be affected. Thus all the employees in a manufacturing unit complement each other in order to attain maximum productivity. Management of employees in a manufacturing unit is not an easy task. In fact the job of a production supervisor is a complex one since he should act as the link between the employees and the management. The interests of employees and the management may often contradict each other and the production supervisor is the person who needs to satisfy both the management and the employees. This paper briefly analyses the management of employee performances in a manufacturing unit by a production line supervisor. In most of the manufacturing units, the production supervisor has the responsibility of finishing the production in time. He should follow the schedules he received from his superiors or planning department in order to ensure maximum production in his shift. At the same time, unforeseen problems may occur at the time of production. For example, some of the employees might be absent, some of the machineries faced breakdowns or some of the other departments linked with the production have not performed well. In all such circumstances, the employees will contact the production supervisor for the advice and instructions. For example, if some of the employees absent in a particular shift, it is difficult for

Security issues in Online games Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Security issues in Online games - Thesis Example The intention of this study are online games that have taken the world of computers by storm. Gaming remains one of the main drivers of computer technology. It has grown like wild fire over the last 10 years and online gaming can now be found in millions of households According to Microsoft gaming is the third most important source of revenue for them on their platform after web browsing and email checking. According to Price Water copper the video game industry earned $41.9billion in 2007 and the sales is expected to cross $68.3 billion by 2012. The online gaming industry’s contribution to these figures is approximately $6.6billion and is increasing day by day. Along with the growth of internet, online gaming as also increased and along with this increase there have been the host of issues mostly concerning problematic and pervasive computer security issues. Online gaming started off as mainly single player games but this trend has changed recently and the games of today invo lve multiple players at the same time. Online security games and especially massively multiplayer online role playing games (MMORPG) suffer from such security issues directly. Some of the examples of MMIRPG games which are extremely popular among the youth are world of War crafts, second life, Everest quest, EVE online e, Star Wars and Ultima online. As the number of players grows the games are faced with the issue of authentication and cheating. If either one of these fails the credibility or the business of the game are at stake. Online gaming provides an experience which games played by a single user or even by multiple users cannot provide. One of the most important aspects of online gaming is the fact that a player is able

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Run on Sentence Essay Example for Free

Run on Sentence Essay Correct each run-on with either (1) a period and a capital letter or (2) a comma (if needed) and the joining word and, but, for, or so. Do not use the same method of correction for every sentence. Some of the run-ons are fused sentences (there is no punctuation between the two complete thoughts), and some are comma splices (there is only a comma between the two complete thoughts). One sentence is correct. 1. Slovakia, a country in eastern Europe, was once ruled by the Austro-Hungarian Empire, it is now an independent country. 2. The children in the next car were making faces at other drivers, when I made a face back, they giggled and sank out of sight. 3. Chuck finished reading Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn then he began to take notes for his report. 4. The branches of the tree were bare they made a dark feathery pattern against the orange-pink sunset. 5. Ernest Hemingway drove an ambulance in World War I, he based the novel A Farewell to Arms on that experience. 6. Our class wanted to do something for the earthquake victims, we sent a donation to the Red Cross. 7. My ex-husband hit me just once in our marriage, five minutes later I was packed and walking out the door. 8. Charles Lindbergh took off from Roosevelt Field in New York on May 20, 1927 thirty-three-and-a-half hours later, he landed in Paris, France, completing the first nonstop transatlantic flight. 9. The average American teenager spends thirty-eight hours a week on schoolwork. the average Japanese teenager spends about sixty. 10. We stocked our backpacks with high-calorie candy bars, and we also brought bags of dried apricots and peaches. 11. Locate and correct the run-ons in the passage that follows. My worst experience of the week was going home for lunch, rather than eating at work. My children didn’t know I was coming, they had used most of the bread. All I had to make a sandwich with were two thin, crumpled pieces of crust. I sat there eating my tattered sandwich and trying to relax, then the telephone rang. It was for my daughter, who was in the bathroom, she was crying over her break-up. When I finally got her to calm down, my twin boys started fighting over their Legos. I was so upset I told them to calm down or I would take their toys away for a month. I’ve learned my lesson, I’ll be eating lunch at work from now on.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Data Protection Act 1988 and 2003

The Data Protection Act 1988 and 2003 Monika Karaliunaite Introduction People are exchanging, sharing and using data every day.   Data, meaning information that can be processed automatically or manually.   When it comes to Personal Data which is data relating to a human being who can be identified from the data, Data Protection becomes very important. The Data Protection Act 1988 and 2003 confer rights on individuals as well as placing responsibilities on those persons processing personal data. Data Subject Data Subject or also called Data Receiver is a living individual to whom personal data relates.   Data Protection Acts provide Subjects with certain rights, to enable them to check what data relating to themselves is being held and how or where it is used.   The rights of data subjects †¢The right to establish the existence of personal data †¢The right of access †¢The right of objection †¢The right of rectification The rights come with responsibilities, it is not given to data subjects that they could make enquiries out of just simply being curious. Rather so that they can check what data is being processed on them and whether it is correct.   Ways for Data Subject to ensure rights †¢Tick boxes online (to choose whether your information can be used for any other purpose) †¢Unsubscribe (from notifications, information/offer e-mails etc.) †¢Read term and conditions, when setting up accounts online †¢Avoid to send e-mails containing confidential information †¢BCC- Email Data Controller is the one who controls the content of personal data.   It can be a legal entity like government department or a company, or an individual say, sole trader or a General Practitioner.   Data Controllers are recognised in the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 as having certain responsibilities imposed on them by law. The responsibilities of Data Controller †¢Ensuring that data is obtained lawfully †¢That it is used for the purpose †¢That it is kept safe and secure †¢It is accurate and up to date †¢That it is relevant †¢That it is not disclosed or used for unlawful purposes †¢That it is not stored longer than necessary and provided to the subject on request All data controllers must comply with the rules/ responsibilities above, and some data controllers are obliged to register annually with the Data Protection Commissioner, to make evident their data handling procedures. How Data Controller ensure the responsibilities are carried out and organisations responsibilities Data Controller must make himself aware of his responsibilities relating to Data Protection.   Within organization, the staff should also be made aware of their responsibilities and appropriate induction training should be given.   Internal data protection policy, relevant to the personal data held by the organisation can be put to place, available to the staff.   Policy reflective to the elementary data protection rules, applied to the organisation.   It can then be enforced through consistent reviews and management. Data Processor Data Processor is someone who processes data on behalf data controller.   It does not include someone who is an employee of data controller and processed the data during his employment.   It is rather a subsidiary company contacted by the data controller to manage or process data on its behalf, such as: †¢Payroll Companies †¢Tax advisers †¢Accountants Data Protection Commissioner Data Protection Commissioner is a sole person who enforces Data Protection Act and its compliance.   He can investigate any complaints concerning data protection breech, develop codes of practice and maintains a register of data controllers. There have been cases when supermarkets have passed on their customers data to other companies. When using loyalty cards at supermarkets, we automatically let the company to gather the information about us without even thinking much of it.   Usually to avail of the loyalty card a questionnaire or an application form needs to be filled, so we are passing on some of our personal details to the company, therefore become the Data Subject.   The company now the Data Controller holds some of our information, and with the help of a loyalty card can continue gather information such as; log of purchases. Coming to the point, there have been cases when consumers of a supermarket have been contacted by formula company, by e-mail, advertising and offering their product.   Passing on personal information is considered a noncompliance with Data Protection Act.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Virginia V. Sebelius Essay example -- Health Care, US Government

Health care has been a much needed but problematic institution for the United States over the last several decades. Particularly private companies have been the main cause of high premiums and the denial of coverage for the previously ill. In attempts to remedy these issues, Congress in conjunction with the President of the United States Barack Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). The PPACA is a federal state that focused on the reformation of the private health insurance market, provide better coverage for those with existing conditions, and improve the conditions of Medicare. Within this statute there is the section 1501 mandate, the Minimum Essential Coverage Provision, which requires every citizen, besides the exempt, to maintain a minimum level of health care by 2012. Those choosing not to participate will be subject to a momentary tax with their annual income tax returns. Since its creation, this particular mandate has caused a great deal of cont roversy. In early 2010, the Commonwealth of Virginia passed into law, a statute that forbade any type of mandate that would force citizens to purchase health insurance. They believed such a mandate would cause an immediate and continuing burden of the State and its citizens. Although it was created months before the PPACA statute it is clear the Virginia statute come in direct conflict with the federal mandate. It is the responsibility of the courts to solve this conflict between the two parties, Virginia and Kathleen Sebelius. The Commonwealth of Virginia has lodge a complaint with the about the constitutionality of the PPACA statute. Through the state’s Attorney General, it challenges the enforcement of the statute due on part to section 1501 of th... ...only a choice between participation or retaliation. In New York v. U.S., the courts found that Congress cannot directly force states to legislate is accordance to their scheme. Forcing a state to participation or penalty is coercive in nature. This would counter the federalist structure outlined in the tenth amendment. In closing the constitutionality of this mandate is a minimum sketchy and often steps over the delicate boundaries allotted to Congress. Although there are a multitude of precedents to rule in favor of the defendant, doing so could leave a means in which to bring Congress unrestricted powers. Our goal is not to create a police State where the federalist structure becomes miniscule to the greater good of the poor, sick, and unfortunate. Although, the court supports the intentions of the PPACA statute the means of accomplishing them cannot be backed.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Coca-Cola or Pepsi: The True King of Pop Essay -- essays research pap

He lets out an ahhh of satisfaction as he sets down the cup. There is an excited silence to the crowd as they wait to hear the verdict. Will he choose Pepsi or will it be Coca-Cola? It is a question that many wonder about and can be a very tricky question. Both sides say that theirs taste’s better and both have strong proof to back that up. But I am here to help settle the issue once and for all and show to you that taste isn’t everything one should judge. When all is done I will prove to you that in the end there can be no doubt that Coca-Cola is the king of pop.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To truly understand the complexities of what makes a soft drink one of the best you must first take a look at the appearance and package of said drink. Pepsi has always tried to go with the flashy look and now tries to play on American patriotism by having a red, white, and blue can. While this may be a nice touch, Coke doesn’t need to rely on playing on the people’s feelings. They have stayed with a classic look of red with white writing. This simple yet elegant stance shows to the world that they don’t need to spice up their appearance to entice customers, because they know it what’s on the inside that counts.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Now if you are a true beverage coinsure, you will of course take notice of the initial reaction of carbonation and air when you pop open your can. I know that some will argue that all pop sounds the same at this action, but you just need to listen ...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Nutrition and Fit Essay

In my composition, I am going to describe some advantages why, we should keep fit. In my opinion is that be fit has not got disadvantages. I am also going to describe what we should do when we want to keep fit and also what we should not do when we want to keep fit. To be fit has a many advantages. When you are fit you have better mood and we do not feel sleepily on the contrary we feel full of energy. You have not got many health problems like arteriosclerosis, heart attack, obesity, anemia etc. When we want to keep fit, like first we should change our eating habits. We should not eat many junk food, candy, sweetened beverages for example Sprite, Coca-Cola, Fanta etc. We have to try to eat a lot of vegetables, fruits and a lot of healthy food because this food comprises from lots of antioxidants, protein and vitamins. We also should try to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and also for snack and afternoon snack. When somebody wants to keep fit he/she should aim do a lot of exercises. I think we should try to run every morning and evening. Sometimes we should visit some gym and swimming pool. When we want to keep fit we should not smoke and drink a lot of alcohol. We should not eat a lot. We also must not laze. In my opinion is that be fit is better than be lazy person. I hope that my composition will can help someone to keep fit.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Contemporary Healthcare Specific Management and Leadership Practice Essay

If there is one word which describes the American health care environment during the last decade, that word is change. Professionals joining the health care industry during the 1990s will find little resemblance to the work environment their predecessors found a mere 10 years earlier. Physical therapy practice during the 1960s and 1970s was largely limited to three settings: the hospital, private practice and extended care institutions. Private practice followed the medical practice model and served primarily ambulatory outpatients. Hospital-based practice accounted for the majority of practice opportunities. Along with some limitations on professional autonomy, employment in hospital-based practice generally offered the greatest opportunities for variety in clinical practice. Literature Review Change is constant and usually affects an entire organization. Change sometimes can cause chaos and stress, but which must be acknowledged and dealt with in order to make an organization effective. Improving high-quality patient care is the most important issue for everyone in a physical health institution, and this improvement needs to remain a central focus of and the main reason for the change. Discussions with hospital executives reveal: There is a need for an action plan to meet the needs of a more culturally diversed population. Adverse patient care incidents are under-reported because there are different interpretations about what should be reported. The hospital has not been able to invest in training hospital staff on reporting requirements. There are no systematic report mechanisms in place. Further study on the case reveals that the peer review processes of the hospital are weak if not minimally compliant. The number of patient complaints about hospital care has been rising. Complaints are often complex, and may involve the hospital’s other health care facilities, and health professionals, as well. Medication errors have been a major concern for the hospital this lately. Though deficiencies were cited, the potential for patient harm was not clearly identified. Still, it has important influences on the quality of care for the medical facility. Faith also noted that their premium cost are decreasing, and is becoming a significant concern for the hospital. The lack of clear and concise ethics guidelines for medical personnel, especially on issues requiring ethical decisions. Each group of stakeholders has somewhat different concerns. That is, each cares more about some aspects of an organization’s activities and less about others. Customers. Many organizations say that they put the concerns of their customers or clients first. For U.S. companies, that often means improving the quality of the service while keeping costs in check. Interviews with the customers reveal that the health care organization’s Teamwork Competency account illustrates that using teams to improve quality is one approach that organizations can use to address the concerns of customers. Employees. Many of the concerns that employees have today reflect changes in the structure of organizations and the fact that work is a major activity in their lives. How a company treats employees during times of change is a key issue raised by this company. Pay is another area of concern to employees. The desire to receive equal pay for equal work is among the most important of workplace issues, according to a national survey of 40,000 women. Owners and Shareholders. For many organizations, the concerns of owners—that is, taxpayers and contributors—often are essentially those of society at large. But for privately owned companies, and those whose shares are publicly traded, the concerns of owners—that is, shareholders—may be quite different from those of society in general. Most shareholders invest their money in companies for financial reasons. At a minimum, they want to preserve their capital for later use. Because the job of institutional investors is to make money by choosing which companies to put their investment in, their perspective on corporate issues is to make profit generation the firm’s top priority. As professional investors, these shareholders have considerable power to influence management’s decisions. Physical therapy health care service product is a bundle of tangible and intangible benefits that satisfy patient’s needs. Factors as job design, role clarity, and autonomy affect employee attitudes, which in turn affect patient experience in the institution. These observations emphasize the need to look beyond the immediate and obvious aspects of satisfaction and to consider other aspects, which affect patient perception of their experience. In dealing with the hospital’s problems with respect to organizational processes, ethics and communication issues, it must be considered from three perspectives: structure, process and outcome. To assure that the hospital services are being appropriately provided, each dimension of hospital care provision must be considered. Quality of Life has different meanings as compared to the other health-related subject matters. It is used to describe a patient’s health status, a description of how he perceives himself and his point of view about his life.   But Quality of Life Concept encompasses more than the health status or one’s perception about self and life.   This concept analysis nursing paper serves to provide the most comprehensive definition about this concept and how it is used in medical terms at present. Quality of Life Concept has become an â€Å"impressive ‘explosive’ trend† talked about by medical field professionals, published in journals, books and various quality life articles for the last 10 years now.   Within this period, its concept continues to evolve and has reached three phases. In the first phase, there is the formal assessment made and classified as ‘physician’s judgment of the patient’s health’. In the second phase, the points of view of the patients were given focus and the tools used in the study were those applied from psycho-social fields. In the third phase, multi-dimensional questionnaires were adopted and the concept of Quality of Life and health status begin to have different meanings (Apolone and Mosconi, p.66, 1998). Today, the trend continues to evolve as patient-oriented measures are applied and studied from functional disability scales to spiritual quality of life and economic measures. It is also a lot of other possible factors that have effects on a patient’s perception about what quality of life is in relation to his health.   The patient’s point of view in quality and effectiveness is taken into consideration and is treated as a more comprehensive humanistic approach that determines what to him is quality of life (Apolone and Mosconi, p. 68, 1998). Definition of Quality of Life When we speak about quality of life in layman’s terms, it literally pertains to a number of definitions. It connotes with standard of living, available resources or conditions that tell about either the comforts or discomforts of life and such other identifiable meaning and perception about an ideal life.   There are many indicators about what quality of life a patient can perceive and most of these indicators depend variably on one’s cultural values. Defining Quality of Life for the purpose of this nursing concept paper is variable because it pertains to a â€Å"subjective experience†. Hence, it can not be measured with â€Å"object indicators.†Ã‚   Being the case, according to Skevington, studies show that the â€Å"best person to assess quality of life is arguably the individual himself† (Skevington, par. 4, 1999). When questions are asked to a patient and he, in turn, answers the questions, the medical professional likely gets a limited clinical success in the study of the patient’s history because of limited information.   He is unable to get the necessary data that may be of help in assessing the health condition of the patient.   Hence, there is a need to come up with a good quality-of-life measure that will enable health and interventions to be properly evaluated. The World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, in collaboration with the WHOQOL Group, designed an instrument called WHOQOL-100 that is used in â€Å"multinational clinical trials for the evaluation of quality-of-life outcomes during all types of health care interventions like surgery, counseling and medication.† (Skevington, par.1, 1999).  Ã‚   It is useful also for making cross-cultural function about perceived quality of life relating to health and at a one-to-one level, in improving communications between doctors and their patients in the consulting room (Skevington, par. 1, 1999). The WHOQOL has up come with such instrument and made it as comprehensive as possible to reach out to various global dimensions that are workable internationally. Moreover, it is intended for use by persons with chronic diseases, informal caregivers and people living in highly stressful situations. WHO defines health as a â€Å"state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity†.   On the other hand, the WHOQOL Group defines Quality of Life as â€Å"an individual’s perception of their position in life, in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live, and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns (Sousa).   It is so broad a concept that it affects the patient’s physical health, psychological state, level of independence, and social relationships with his environment in a very complex way.   In addition to this definition, WHOQOL Group has added the sixth domain to the list, which is â€Å"spirituality, religion, and personal beliefs.† (Skevington, par 5, 1999). Furthermore, the WHOQOL 100 is an instrument that is applied to heterogeneous cross-section of sick and well people in order to examine its internal consistency reliability, construct validity , and discriminant power (Skevington, par. 1999).. Concept of Quality of Life in Health Care The Quality of Life came about when the disciplines of sociology and psychology became an issue related to health care. It has emerged into a larger issue when technological advances were aimed at increasing life span. Quality of Life has become a means to guide a patient in deciding on whether to pursue a treatment or not for his or her ailment.   According to clinicians, Health-related Quality of Life is an appropriate focus for a patient who has a disease or who is ill, and whose aspects in life become health-related (Haas, p. 730, 1999). A)  Ã‚  Ã‚   Defining Attributes of Quality of Life. The Walker and Avant’s 1995 method of concept analysis of Quality of Life took note of the various characteristics or critical attributes recurring in the process of their studies and they are grouped according to four recurring themes.   The first theme is the â€Å"multi-dimensional and dynamic nature of the QOL.   Authors have stressed that QOL is a multi-dimensional concept considering that it is â€Å"based on values; is dynamic, ever changing and depends largely on the context in which it is measured† (Haas, p. 733, 1999). The second theme is that QOL includes an assessment.   In this case, the authors include words such as response, appraisal, measure, experience and assessment in defining and using QOL (Haas, p. 733, 1999).   The third theme is centered on the subjective nature of QOL. Grouped within this theme are words like perception, well-being, and satisfaction. (Haas, p. 733, 1999). The fourth and final theme recognizes the objective nature of QOL, with authors using â€Å"behavior, functioning, and environment as measures of QOL.† (Haas, p. 733, 1999). These defining attributes were sourced from the definitions and use of QOL. It mainly shows that QOL is indeed an individual’s current life circumstance. It further shows that it is multi-dimensional in nature and in being so, is based on values and is dynamic. It is also composed of both subjective and/or objective indicators. Finally QOL is subjectively measured by persons capable of self-evaluation.   (Haas, p. 733, 1999) (B) Congruence of the Concept with the Assumptions and Other Concepts within the Model/Theory. The QOL Model was formulated to provide a measure that takes into consideration both the components and determinants of health and well being that are consistent with the concept of Quality of Life. The QOL Model or Profile emphasizes on the person’s physical, psychological and spiritual functioning and his connections with his environments as well as opportunities for maintaining and enhancing skills (The Quality of Life Model, par 3, 2005). The Conceptual framework of the Quality of Life has three life domains which are aimed at providing a person to enjoy the more essential potentials of his life. (The Quality of Life Model, par 4, 2005) Each of the three domains has three sub-domains and they are as follows: (a)  Ã‚  Ã‚   Being pertains to who one is.   Its three sub-domains are: (1) Physical Being, which relates to a person’s or patient’s physical health, personal hygiene, nutrition, exercise, grooming and clothing, and general physical appearance; (2) Psychological Being, which relates to his psychological health adjustment, cognitions, feelings, self-esteem, self-concept and self-control; (3) Spiritual Being, which relates to his personal values, personal standards of conduct and spiritual beliefs. (The Quality of Life Model, par. 5, 2005) (b)  Ã‚   Belonging pertains to the person’s connections with his environment. Its three sub-domains are: (1) Physical Belonging, which relates to his connections with his home, work place/school, neighborhood and community; (2) Social Belonging, which relates to his connections with his intimate others, family, friends, co-workers, neighborhood and community; (3) Community Belonging, which relates to his connections with matters pertaining to adequate income, health and social services, employment, educational programs, recreational programs or community events and activities. (The Quality of Life Model, par 5. 2005) (c)  Ã‚  Ã‚   Becoming pertains to achieving personal goals, hopes and aspirations. Its three sub-domains are: (1) Practical Becoming, which relates to achieving personal goals in domestic activities, in work, in school or volunteer activities or seeing to health and social needs; (2) Leisure Becoming, relates to activities that promote relaxation and stress reduction; (3) Growth Becoming, relates to activities that promote the maintenance or improvement of knowledge and skill and adapting to change. (The Quality of Life Model, par. 5, 2005) Ferrans Conceptual Model of Quality of Life. Ferrans has developed a model based on the adoption of the individualistic ideology, which recognizes that quality of life depends on the unique experience of individuals. He maintains that the individual person is the only accurate judge of his quality of life because people differ in their perceptions and values. (Ferrans, par. 1, 1996)   This model uses qualitative methodology and has identified four domains of quality of life: health and functioning as psychological/spiritual, social and economic, and family. (Ferrans, par 1, 1996)   Patient data are analyzed in relation to these domains of quality of life. Researchers, physicians, policy makers adopt the Quality of Life concept as an instrument that tests the validity, reliability and effectiveness of different and relevant sub-domains for the purpose of evaluating the impact of medical interventions on the population (Apolone and Mosconi, p. 68, 1998). Since the concept is considered non-medical determinant, it is treated as confounder, a complementary way for effectiveness of care to a patient. This is because medicine still plays the major role in determining the final health outcome of a patient. (Apolone and Mosconi, p. 68, 1998) Since patients are the proper judge of their quality of life, there are ways to enhance the well-being of patients who may have a poor quality of life.   Studies show that the presence of positive feelings in patients is the most important feature of the kind of quality of life he has. Patients, with positive feelings most likely enjoy a pleasant quality of life than those who are in-patients and sick. A person has control of his emotions which can generally affect his state of mental being.   It is a matter of developing the positive attitude and containing oneself into thinking of a positive outlook in life.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Looking for Alibrandi Essay

â€Å"I’ll run one day. Run for my life. To be free and think for myself. Not as an Australian and as an Italian and not as an inbetween. I’ll run to be emancipated.† The novel ‘Looking for Alibrandi’ explores the senior years of Josephine â€Å"Josie† Alibrandi with her struggle in forming her identity, falling in love with Jacob Coote and the unexpected arrival of her father Michael Andretti. Through each of these important ideas the character of Josie, Jacob and Michael, grow to understand and achieve their emancipation. Being faced with hardships in life in life result in understanding of identity and knowledge. The character of Josie in the novel ‘Looking for Alibrandi is exposed to the secret of Nonna Katia’s secret affair. â€Å"Our lives, just like our names are lies.† Through the use of first person narration we are open to the frustration and confusion Josie is contemplating. â€Å"I’ve figured out that is doesn’t matter whether Im Josephine Andretti, who was as Alibrandi, who should have been a Stanford, who may never be a Coote.† This dialogue displays the maturity and understanding Josie receives in her identity and understanding of her emancipation. Through this momentous challenge the character now realises their freedom. Furthermore, Josie immaturity lead her to believe that one day she would be emancipated. â€Å"I’ll run one day. Run for my life. To be free and think for myself. Not as an Australian and as an Italian and not as an inbetween. I’ll run to be emancipated.† This dialogue displays the childlike behaviour Josie has lost on the outlook of her life. Through the novel, her self-knowledge grew as she stated, â€Å"My emancipation didn’t happen like I’d expected it to.† Through this first person narration the understanding of being a mature adult was shown towards Josie. Overcoming challenges allows the self-growth of an individual. When a character is faces with a hardship, the way in which they deal with it allows them to grow in themselves. Jacob Coote shared a romantic relationship with Josie which opened his out look on life. â€Å"I have never had to go out with an ethnic girl before.† Through this dialogue the audience is confronted with the different cultures and views Jacob believes compared to Josie. â€Å"I want all the things in life that John Barton wanted but he was too  scared to step out of his circle. But I cant do that with you.† The use of this dialogue clearly makes evident the maturity Jacob has gone through in undertaking his relationship with Josie. A characters self-knowledge is pushed to the limits through challenges. The confrontation of events allows growth through self-worth and family. Josie’s father, Michael Andretti revealed himself unexpectedly with no idea that he had a daughter. Through anger and confusion, both Josie and Michael are faced with hardships. â€Å"How dare you think that I want to be in your life!† The use of dialogue supports the frustration and hurt the character Josie is experiencing. Throughout the novel, the relationship between Michael and grows to a completely opposing, supporting and caring one. â€Å"I’d be so proud to be an Andretti†¦Dad.† Through this dialogue, it supports Michael and Josie’s discovering of their identity and outlook on life. Freedom is depicted from many struggles resulting in self discovery and self-worth. From your emancipation, to hidden family secrets, to an understanding of love, to discovering your father, all of these important undertakings result in self-knowledge and identity. Josephine Alibrandi, Jacob Coote and Michael Andretti are all characters of â€Å"Looking for Alibrandi† by Melina Marchetta who were not afraid to confront challenges within their lives.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 15

Technology - Essay Example People now rely on portable devices such as smartphones and tablets to connect with their friends, relatives, teammates, and even compatriots in their places of work. Instantaneous connections allow people to pass messages quickly regardless of where they are. However, the mobile technologies are a hindrance to important one on one communication therefore they should be moderately used for the sake of building of meaningful relationships. The technologies are dangerous since they drive people away from normal conversations. These technologies make people indifferent to the people they are with physically since they rather communicate with others through the mobile devices. According to Turkle, â€Å"technology-enabled, we are able to be with one another, and also elsewhere, connected to wherever we want to be† (1). This tendency leads to the loss in the value of face to face interactions, as people feel rejected by their mates who seem addicted to their communication devices. The use of the mobile technologies actually enables people to snub the people close by. â€Å"We are together, but each of us is in our own bubble, furiously connected to keyboards and tiny touch screens† (Turkle 2). However, the problem has become so widespread that everyone seems to use technologies to keep others away. The remote connections enabled by the mobile technologies do not yield deep relationships. I agree with Turkle’s views that the technologies are an avenue which people use to present an ideal image of themselves, which is unlike who they really are. â€Å"Texting and e-mail and posting let us present the self we want to be. This means we can edit. And if we wish to, we can delete. Or retouch: the voice, the flesh, the face, the body† (Turkle 2). The downside to this is that people end up not knowing one another hence they cannot meaningfully understand and connect to one another. Consulting via the technology does not yield answers that would fit the needs or concerns that