Saturday, October 12, 2019

Coca-Cola or Pepsi: The True King of Pop Essay -- essays research pap

He lets out an ahhh of satisfaction as he sets down the cup. There is an excited silence to the crowd as they wait to hear the verdict. Will he choose Pepsi or will it be Coca-Cola? It is a question that many wonder about and can be a very tricky question. Both sides say that theirs taste’s better and both have strong proof to back that up. But I am here to help settle the issue once and for all and show to you that taste isn’t everything one should judge. When all is done I will prove to you that in the end there can be no doubt that Coca-Cola is the king of pop.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To truly understand the complexities of what makes a soft drink one of the best you must first take a look at the appearance and package of said drink. Pepsi has always tried to go with the flashy look and now tries to play on American patriotism by having a red, white, and blue can. While this may be a nice touch, Coke doesn’t need to rely on playing on the people’s feelings. They have stayed with a classic look of red with white writing. This simple yet elegant stance shows to the world that they don’t need to spice up their appearance to entice customers, because they know it what’s on the inside that counts.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Now if you are a true beverage coinsure, you will of course take notice of the initial reaction of carbonation and air when you pop open your can. I know that some will argue that all pop sounds the same at this action, but you just need to listen ...

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