Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Alpen bank. SWOT Analysis Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Alpen bank. SWOT Analysis - Case Study Example The organization has hesitated to launch its credit card services because of poor infrastructure, population inexperience and low per capita income level of the Romanians. However, they have launched this credit card service and able to win the trust of customers. In the year 2000, the organization has entered in the European market. The objective of the study is to form an effective marketing strategy in order to clear cut the positioning strategy considering the credit card industry. A strategic SWOT analysis has been implemented below for Alpen. Strengths Alpen bank is one of the leading banking organizations in Romania. The bank is popular within the country due to the effective customer service and several differentiated customer service. Due to its quality customer service the organization has able to create positive brand awareness in Romania. As it is discussed earlier, premium banking services have increased the core competencies and reputation of the brand name in the Roman ian market. Weaknesses Lower customer base is the biggest weakness of this brand. The organization has implemented credit card service facilities for its clients in Romania. The concept of the credit card was not familiar with the people of Romania. The organization has hesitated to enter in this credit card service business due to the effect of recession, low per capita income of people and inexperience of the people about the credit card services. Lack of awareness and low customer base is the significant weakness of the organization. Opportunities Now the potential opportunities for the credit card service of Alpen bank can be determined by evaluating the effects of following six important environmental factors to the company. Political: The organization has tried to enter in the European Union market to increase its international client base. The credit card industry is comprised of four key parties, such as Merchant acquirers, Merchants, Card Issuers and Network & Associations. However, the banking sector in Romania is least affected comparing to the other developed countries. Strict governmental regulations and ethical policy implementation has helped the organization to win the trust of the consumers. The support of several political parties and government can increase the core competency of the organization. Economical: The organization is overcoming the challenges of previous recession. The economy of Romania has able to overcome some effects of recession. The disposable income of middle class people is increasing significantly. Initially in the year 2006, the organization was trying to enter in the EU region due to the economic advantages of these areas. However, the organization had tried to target the premium customers due to the unfavorable economic condition. The high disposable income of the people of high income level will help the organization to generate high revenue. Social: The people of Romania were not that much aware about the credit car d services. Therefore, it is necessary for the organization to create social awareness about the credit card service. It is a potential opportunity for the organization to increase its market share in Romania. The organization should concentrate on the untapped market. Moreover, changing life style and improved literacy rate will help the organization to create a huge customer base within the country. Technological: Technology is a necessary aspect for the growth of this industry. This credit card facility will encourage the people of modern society. Effective and advanced telecommunication facility, computer technology and developed terminals will help the customers to operate the credit cards comfortably. Environmental: The service sector has able to hold high growth rate comparing to the

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