Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights :: Wuthering Heights Essays

Wuthering Heights is a passionate book about love written by Emily Bronte. This book, Wuthering Heights, proves that love is a mysterious force with intense power. This book shows the love between Catherine and Heathcliff, and how money can easily come between someone you love. Catherine's love for Heathcliff, deeply hurts Edgar. Edgar truly loves Catherine, but she would never know that. First, Catherine loves Heathcliff. She loves him sincerely, but, because of her brother, Catherine can never marry Heathcliff. Edgar's timing could not have been worse. Catherine's problem is that she loves Heathcliff, but to take care of him, she must marry Edgar. So she does. When Catherine marries Edgar, Heathcliff runs away. He just could not face the fact that Catherine was with someone else. So, because Catherine loves Heathcliff, she marries Edgar to protect Heathcliff. This pain forces Heathcliff to flee. Then, Heathcliff is also in love with Catherine. He thinks that Catherine just does not love him because she marries Edgar. He does not see that she does what she must for the good of everywhere. Catherine marries Edgar to get Heathcliff out of Catherine's brother's care. Heathcliff has no money. He realizes that too. Heathcliff knows he will never go anywhere or be anyone without money. So, in a way Catherine buys Heathcliff's freedom by marrying Edgar. And Heathcliff took his rage and left Wuthering Heights. Heathcliff and Catherine have a love for each other that no one can ever understand or describe. This love also drives them apart. They love each other so much that it splits them apart. They can never be together. Finally, Edgar has a love for Catherine that she would never understand. Even when Catherine and Edgar were together, when they took their vows to love and cherish one another till death do they part, Catherine still loves Heathcliff. Through the three years that Heathcliff has run away, Catherine drifts away from Heathcliff and more to Edgar. In September of 1783, when Heathcliff returns. Catherine instantly falls in love with him again. Edgar tries to please and honor Catherine, in the end it does not help, because her love for Heathcliff will always be there. In conclusion, Heathcliff and Catherine will always love each other. And because they both love each other so much, it takes

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